Example sentences of "does [adv] [vb infin] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 When she does finally succumb to Howard 's advances , her identity crumbles into its component parts .
2 By contrast , the Corinthians passage in which Paul speaks of male headship , and in which it is said that women should be silent ( a verse which is probably an interpolation and does not owe to Paul ) , he is concerned with a practical situation which has arisen , a situation in which the church , still insecure in a pagan world , was likely to cause scandal if it departed too far from social convention — and his concern is that it should not unnecessarily put itself in jeopardy .
3 To remove possible contamination by TFIIA , which does not bind to Heparin-Sepharose ( 12 ) , the column was extensively washed with buffer 1 plus 175 mM KCl .
4 If we do this we shall not claim as the teaching of the Spirit what does not relate to Jesus .
5 You see , we know that if the Hispaniola does not return to Bristol by the end of August , a rescue ship will be sent to look for us .
6 Importantly , this document does not refer to Louis Hotteterre , the brother of Nicolas ( dit Colin ) , who lived on the rue Marmousets in the parish of Ste Marie Magdelaine , but to the Louis whom I first identified in an earlier article : a letter written in 1712 by the French oboist Louis Rousselet mentions that he had left a musette for repair with Louis Hotteterre , who lived ‘ proche le Pon [ sic ] Marie ’ .
7 It does not matter to Hobbes whether men were ever actually in such a ‘ state of nature ’ , but he suggests that the American Indians are in one somewhat like it .
8 The inventoried music falls within the period of Lully to Campra , and interestingly does not extend to Rameau .
9 The ABD does not object to Gatsos where they will contribute to safety on the roads .
10 It is the Spirit of Christ that unites us with Christ : so much so that Paul can say ‘ If any man does not have the Spirit of Christ , he does not belong to Christ ’ ( Rom. 8:9 ) .
11 In its relentless quest to buy up every open operating system technology that does not belong to Microsoft Corp , Novell Inc is reportedly considering buying what is left of NeXT Inc if it can come to terms with founder and controlling shareholder Steve Jobs .
12 Transome Court in Felix Holt ( 1866 ) does not belong to Harold Transome , but to the tramp , Tommy Trounsem , who dies in a ditch .
13 That sort of failure does not belong to Leonard Cohen , he is by nature an industrious and self-conscious worker , if restless ; and so he stayed .
14 ‘ I deduce the corpse we have just seen does not belong to James IV .
15 That description does not apply to Levein , however .
16 This rule does not apply to Eurotunnel since most of the documents refer to it .
17 One sees immediately that this does not apply to Gandalf or Aragorn , still less to Frodo : Gandalf can feel fear and cold , Aragorn age and discouragement , Frodo pain and weakness .
18 Whilst many strip wood floors do require in-situ sealing and regular polishing thereafter , this does not apply to Junckers ' floors , such as the one shown in your step-by-step guide .
19 The 1988 Education Act does not apply to Scotland , which has no statutory curriculum .
20 The 1976 Act , which does not apply to Scotland , is not suitable for that purpose and I am considering whether it should be disapplied for that purpose .
21 This arrangement does not apply to Scotland which has the highest average wind speeds in Europe .
22 There is now an optional baggage section which does NOT apply to OT or CTT policies .
23 The threat does not apply to Britain as there are no relations with Tripoli .
24 But the most striking thing about Bagehot 's essay on Peel , in the light of the last full week of this election campaign , is that it simply does not apply to Major at all .
25 This evidently does not apply to God , who is said to be able ( although unlikely ) to create duplicate worlds .
26 The person receiving the parcel in prison could be prosecuted under the Bill , but the dispatcher could not be dealt with because the Bill does not apply to Northern Ireland .
27 Britain 's 1967 Abortion Act does not apply to Northern Ireland , where abortions are illegal except where the mother 's life is threatened or her physical and mental health are considered to be in grave danger .
28 The following is an example of a passage from the study , based on an extract from a newspaper report It contains a surface anaphor that does not conform to Hankamer & Sag 's criteria .
29 If an episode in the history of science does not conform to Lakatos 's methodology , and if no satisfactory , independently supported , external explanation can be found , this would constitute evidence against the methodology , especially if a rival methodology can cope with the historical example in a superior way .
30 If it does n't port to NT , how could it defend its position as an open systems company , the newsletter asks , anticipating that Sun may find itself in the ‘ embarrassing position of being one of the only significant RISC systems vendors not offering Windows NT on its systems . ’
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