Example sentences of "does [adv] [verb] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , it does not inspire confidence in her work to find it not simply going beyond the independent evidence we have , but often going against it .
2 I appreciate the role of the PCC does not embrace ethics in internal communications , but it would surely be an interesting opportunity for you or one of your colleagues to speak about your work ?
3 Surgery does not effect survival in either an adverse or beneficial way , but there is a suggestion that mortality is increased in those who undergo ileoanal anastomosis .
4 The comparatively puny damages of £1,000 ( the cost of a dozen bottles of champagne at the expensive nightclub where the affair had begun ) and the public ridicule suffered by all parties may serve to remind editors of the wisdom of the adage that " dog does not eat dog in Fleet Street " .
5 Does not affect survival in intensive care units
6 The problem of budgetary control does not affect revenues in the same way as expenses .
7 Yes it 's a page of Government paper in Summerchild 's judicious hand , which does not make holes in the paper , or need x-ing out , or fall off the bottom of the page :
8 They agree that theological discourse does not make sense in the terms of ordinary language , but whereas for one this effectively consigns theology to the dustbin , for the other it gives it the same sort of status as speaking in tongues .
9 Everyone does not regard noise in the same way .
10 ( Note that the Bank of England does not regard cash in tills as a reserve asset .
11 It does not want intimacy in order to love , in order to grow .
12 The DAI and laboratory data , however , showed significant improvements at four weeks and continued prednisolone treatment does not protect patients in remission from further relapse .
13 This does not excuse imprecision in writing the contract .
14 Pupillage in itself does not give experience in the art of advocacy , and you should therefore play your full part in the forensic exercises provided in the Inns of Court School and in the moots held at your Inn .
15 In the first legal definition , in the Crofter 's Holdings ( Scotland ) Act of 1886 , it was added that he resides on his holding , the annual rent of which does not exceed £30 in money , and which is situated in a ‘ crofting parish ’ .
16 It does not exceed 3cm in length .
17 Bair does not blame Sartre in any simplistic way , nor does she construct de Beauvoir as an innocent victim , but the relationship seems nevertheless exploitative , not only of de Beauvoir but also of the other ( always younger ) women drawn in to the couple 's sphere of influence .
18 The view that ships are fundamentally different from companies ( see paragraph 90 of the report of the hearing in Commission of the European Communities v. United Kingdom ( Case C 246/89 ) ) does not justify discrimination in the field of the ‘ nationality ’ of vessels between companies and nationals of the member states .
19 The community does not hold land in perpetuity : no Piaroa can ‘ own ’ land , nor can the community .
20 The fact that goods have not been paid for does not prevent ownership in them passing to the purchaser unless , of course , they are subject to a properly communicated and valid retention clause .
21 That may be so , but it does not prevent people in our field from continually falling into the error of supposing that a solution designed to match one problem must be applicable to quite a different problem as well .
22 … broad convergence in industrial structure does not imply convergence in economic prospects .
23 As a prince , you understand , one does not enjoy freedom in the sense that one of more humble origin may enjoy freedom .
24 ( She may feel no such constraint because spending all the grant does not increase taxes in the locality . )
25 The government does not encourage investment in industry , even in training the workforce or providing a long-term investment bank .
26 It does not format modules in charge code order , in other words it does not fill the volume for a particular charge code before moving on to the volume for the next charge code .
27 English does not employ accents in this way though borrowed words , such as fe∘te , fiancé , ro∘le , etc may retain them .
28 Orthodox accounts , as we have seen , tend to ignore or explain away evidence for variability when it does not have reflexes in present-day RP .
29 THERE never has been , and never will be , a champion golfer who does not have fire in his belly .
30 But , having constituted a sovereign office of legislature , he does not follow Hobbes in holding that the authority of law rests solely on authorization .
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