Example sentences of "does [pron] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It does nothing to celebrate the town centre , ’ he says .
2 The Masters Committee itself does nothing to dispel the feeling that the event is something special .
3 Fish that have grown up together usually continue to live together quite happily , provided that the fishkeeper does nothing to upset the balance , such as introducing new fish , or re-arranging the tank decor , thus destroying territorial boundaries .
4 Michael Conn 's description of his ‘ defensive driving ’ skills ( Points of View , 5 February ) does nothing to earn the admiration he hopes for .
5 Decent , affordable public sector housing provides opportunities for wide ranges of people in our country and your government does nothing to promote the right to rent , the ability to get into decent housing where people otherwise would have no such chance .
6 Furthermore , it does nothing to improve the safety of flying and neither does it affect the manner in which aircraft accident investigations are carried out .
7 The limitation of the right to asylum does nothing to improve the status of 6.5m foreigners already in Germany , most of whom are long-time residents .
8 The exploitation of ethnicity may perhaps work as a form of primitive accumulation of cultural capital , but it does nothing to enlarge the audience or scope of such work , which is why most artists and writers of any stature have rejected this appellation , even if they have benefited indirectly from it .
9 Power steering is now standard , but it does nothing to blunt the feedback coming from front wheels to steering wheel : the old wrist-snapping kickback over bumps is largely eradicated but the important messages are translated as crisply as ever .
10 In effect , ignoring the effects of gender in this way merely reinforces stereotyping because it does nothing to challenge the definition of certain aspects of the curriculum as masculine or feminine .
11 It does nothing to reduce the damage because by the time the sucking has taken place the poison is already busily circulating through the victim 's body .
12 While this is a considerable improvement on the former method , it does nothing to reduce the paper-work involved or to shorten the time before a buyer is entered on the company 's register and receives his share certificate — which will take weeks and sometimes months .
13 If the signal at point A is ignored , that is , the person does nothing to reduce the stress level then , as the tap keeps dripping , gradually the stress level will continue to rise to say point B. At this stage the original symptom may become worse or another symptom may begin to occur .
14 The fact that the receiver of a gift hates the giver is commonplace : the gift does nothing to remove the material for envy ; on the contrary , the act of giving becomes both a justification for the envy and an additional ground for feeling it .
15 Much of the time , this does not matter , because the speed of cutting does nothing to obscure the storyline of the commercial , but occasionally it can lead to total confusion .
16 The Bill does nothing to increase the powers of the courts if order should break down inside a prison , although it touches in a new way on some of the matters relating to aiding and abetting an escape outside a prison .
17 The mechanism responsible for mediated generalization does nothing to increase the number or proportion of such elements and thus those wanting to cite mediated generalization as a characteristic of concept formation can assert that , in a very real sense , the similarity of the stimuli has not been changed .
18 However , such treatment does nothing to alleviate the causes of such a bad habit , and no doubt increases the horse 's anxiety to even higher levels .
19 Through suggesting that God should be seen in these ways , for example that those biblical verses which give feminine attributes to God should be drawn upon , one does nothing to change the conception of what are authentic roles for women .
20 Certainly it does nothing to enhance the reputation of democracy when its application is seen to be so restricted and its outcome so ineffectual .
21 Although the £4.1 million may be welcome to homeless people in Scotland , the Secretary of State for Scotland announced a £63 million cut in housing generally in Scotland last year and that does nothing to solve the problems of homelessness .
22 Certainly , the Education Reform Act does nothing to solve the resource problems .
23 Even ignoring its importance as a local employer , to say that a sector which earns 15 per cent of GDP , which finances most of the small business start-ups in Scotland , which provides capital for companies great and small , which finances pensions and insurance for thousands of Scots , as well as backing for a quarter of the UK 's institutional funds , does nothing to help the economy , is to carry ideology to the point of folly .
24 First , it seems that preliminary exposure to the training context can enhance the magnitude of the latent inhibition effect , perhaps because it retards the development of context-specificity ( Hall and Channell 1985 c ) ; second , giving animals extensive exposure to the training context alone after they have experienced presentations of the target stimulus in that context does nothing to diminish the size of the latent inhibition effect ( e.g. Hall and Minor 1984 ) .
25 Right , appreciate how does , how does somebody appreciate the difference between key plan and a golden key plan ?
26 Does she want the stump digging up as well ?
27 But the Marschallin does not misjudge , nor does she sentimentalize the situation .
28 Well how does she to do the books in advance cos she do n't know what patients are gon na turn up .
29 Only when evening comes does she lift the lid a chink and peer out , checking whether darkness has yet come .
30 If Raine Spencer 's iron will and unswerving competence made her intolerant of others less efficient — in the words of one neighbour , the kind of woman who ‘ rubs up worthy souls the wrong way ’ — does she deserve the epitaph of the woman who alienated the children , sold the family silver , was short with servants and decorated Althorp in poor taste ?
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