Example sentences of "still a [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The attention we pay today to every minute detail of a vintage guitar is rarely matched by the records kept at the time ; as with many other guitars , the origins of the Les Paul Custom are still a subject for debate .
2 The relationships between the Variscides of Europe and the Appalachians of North America — and indeed between parts of the Appalachian province itself — are still a subject for controversy at a detailed level ( see Dewey 1982 ; Rast 1984 ; also several papers in Hutton and Sanderson 1984 ) , but it seems that useful , if cautious , parallels can be drawn between the partly concealed Variscides of Europe ( including southern England ) and the well exposed and much studied southern Appalachians ( Fig. 1 ) .
3 The real Hawaiian , still a favourite for team aerobatics , is the indented and battened type , since regarded as relatively heavy , but very precise in control , with plenty of ‘ pull ’ in strong winds .
4 Despite the drop , there is still a demand for council houses that can not be met , it says .
5 There is still a future for DOS — these users are n't just going to disappear , and if people still want DOS products .
6 Germany , the one country whose governance was the result of genuine compromise and conceived in an era when the Christian Democrats regarded capitalism as a beast to be tamed and trained , not let loose on the world , is still a model for power-sharing and consensus between centre and regions , between conservatives , social democrats , liberals and greens .
7 Where there is a loss of a wife/mother who did not receive income from the deceased there is still a claim for loss of housekeeping services .
8 I think there 's still a need for feminism today , there we
9 However there is still a need for caution ; undertakings can not rely on the Commission adopting a rule of reason approach in every case and would therefore need to be prepared to appeal to the Court .
10 ‘ Abe ’ Finkel and his colleagues carried out what the critic Abel Green described as the ‘ canny Burbanking ’ of the material , but there was still a need for intervention by Breen , who asked Wallis to ensure that the film was not a direct attack on conditions in the mines .
11 Raoul Cédras , was now adopting a neutral stance on Aristide 's restoration , stating that it was still a matter for parliament to decide .
12 The source of the expertise is still a matter for speculation .
13 Modern forms differ from the early ones in many major ways and the connections between early and contemporary amphibians are therefore still a matter for speculation and argument .
14 An amount which is still a matter for pride , if tinged with apprehension at the increasing number of unnecessary restrictions .
15 Services for people with learning disabilities remain almost as unsatisfactory as in other fields of social care ( Wistow , 1985 ) , and the best way to use social work skills is still a matter for debate .
16 How long is that longer term is still a matter for debate .
17 A number of commercially produced porn videos now make the use of condoms explicit although , as The Advocate reported , some producers argue that there is still a place for fantasy , a release from the demands of real life .
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