Example sentences of "still [vb pp] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Male homosexuality is increasingly regarded as a variation of sexual behaviour rather than a perversion , and although the homosexual male is still treated badly by the law , in comparison to the heterosexual , he no longer feels the urgent need for anonymity and secrecy .
2 Moma Parsheen still floated blindly near the plascrystal port .
3 That thinking was still cast in the mould of a hundred years before ; the methods of conducting war at sea were still those of blockade , commerce-destroying and protection , and still depended ultimately on the ability to win a pitched gun-battle with the enemy fleet .
4 Fylde Flyer , on whom Piggott was deputising for Jack Berry 's injured stable-jockey John Carroll , was still lifted home with the old familiar magical rhythm and skill .
5 In other words , when the controls simulated other personalities , their brains still responded identically to the stimuli .
6 He was still seen intermittently with the ‘ bizarre Englishwoman ’ , but by 1916 the love affair was effectively over .
7 Even three years after the accident , the shadow of Chernobyl still hung heavily over the proceedings .
8 In spite of what she had discovered , she still felt nowhere near the heart of the mystery .
9 The wheel he had mounted on a bit of rod from Stewart 's smithy still turned freely in the burn at the side of the kail-yard .
10 Ice-houses in Britain date from the seventeenth century , and many of the great houses had private ice-houses built in their grounds before the advent of refrigeration — some were still used well into the present century .
11 Shortly after the First World War , the mill ceased operating commercially , although it is said locally , that it was still used occasionally for the production of animal feed .
12 What was discovered was that , in general , the researchers could manipulate the passages in all kinds of ways without the Cornell students being thrown : if-then relations could be missed out , the logical structure of the passage could be masked by inserting a crucial sentence in the wrong place ; yet the Cornell students still performed well on the recall tests .
13 Even among the skilled the " mystery " of the trade was still conveyed largely through the apprenticeship system with its on-the-job training and induction into the particular culture of the workplace .
14 The team were still wrapped together in the comfort zone of a four-year period when each had cosseted and protected the other .
15 World champion John Parrott overwhelmed Willie Thorne 8–0 in Redhill while Grimsby 's Mike Hallett was still anchored firmly to the foot of the table after losing 5–3 to Jimmy White in Doncaster .
16 Little knots of people still talked earnestly in the street outside the church for a long time afterwards .
17 There was no-one in the room at the time for Murray had only newly lit the fire and the table was still unlaid apart from the great branching candelabra like silver trees .
18 Alders and willows and rich grass and wild rose briars described a great , smooth horseshoe shape that was still hollowed gently into the green earth , with such authority that it had been acknowledged in perpetuity as a natural boundary , and a single large field hemmed within it .
19 Still tied together with the strands of wool we moved towards the fence intending to drape it on the wire .
20 Opening this month 's Guitarist , any pleasure I was enjoying to find that my name still ranked highly in the opinion of guitar players and music dealers was destroyed totally by the allegation that — to quote from Tony Iommi 's feature — ‘ unfortunately John ended up in jail and that was the end of that . ’
21 Gaston , however , disposed of the latest invaders and then commemorated his double success over the heathens by incorporating into his portal the figures of two Saracens in chains and oriental costume , to be seen still hunched submissively at the foot of the central pillar of the doorway as if having to bear all its weight .
22 ‘ Shhh ! ’ she hissed , hands still stretched upwards in the dark .
23 Mrs. Norton , whose husband gave the Henley Ladies ' Club the trophy still known today as the Norton Cup , was to become the first Lady Rathcreedan in 1916 .
24 The sun would still rise and still set regardless of the fact that she would never see him again .
25 Only the drafting of the manifesto still remained precariously in the hands of the leader and the NEC .
26 In the 1970s , most Keynesians , monetarists and marxists still believed firmly in the validity of their diagnoses and the efficacy of their remedies .
27 Our society is still governed mainly by the demands of industry and commerce on men and the needs and demands of children on women .
28 Seven were still detained yesterday after the drama at the new council-run Waveney Valley pool in Bungay , Suffolk .
29 if we can keep up with that kind of play — and — get those goals we will do OK. im still worried both with the back-five and the attackers — against better oppositon or away things — might — not look as good as on monday .
30 There was no clear philosophy of care ( such as normalization ) and policy was still influenced greatly by the capital programme juggernaut — including commitments to new , forty-bed hostels .
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