Example sentences of "still [be] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Naturally these rules were and still are interpreted for the economic convenience of society .
2 We have had three Conservative governments that have been and still are committed to the rolling back of the ‘ nanny ’ state .
3 That should be less of a problem in the cup-tie atmosphere of Stamford Bridge , but £1.5 million Johnston and Serbian import Preki have still been banished to the reserves playing at lowly Mansfield .
4 And then , of course , six years ago she had still been reeling from the shock of Tony 's death .
5 Before 1848 the certainties of the bourgeoisie had still been qualified by the fear of social revolution .
6 ‘ There are many instances where UK investment and product costs have been up to twenty per cent below other European countries , but the investment has still been located on the continent because of unfair political pressures and highly discriminatory practices , ’ he added to gasps of pained surprise .
7 It is true that even then he might still be acting in the course of his employment , but we must take it that this curious piece of metaphysics exempts the employer from vicarious liability for this particular tort .
8 And if the scientists felt that they could speak with certainty , how much more so the lesser publicists and ideologists who were all the more certain of the experts ' certainties , because they could understand most of what the experts said , at least in so far as it could still be said without the use of higher mathematics .
9 So that these people go to the urban areas to get the jobs , they 're not trained erm , for these jobs right and as a result , these wages rates still , may still be maintained despite the fact there are lots of people who are quite happy to take wages erm , in , take up jobs in the urban sectors , it 's the fact that sort of , employers do n't want them , because they do n't have the requisite skills .
10 So many exceptions had been made to earlier Navigation Acts by royal licence that it had sometimes looked as if they were intended to raise revenue rather than to direct trade , and in the 1660s there had been a few signs that the legislation which Charles had inherited from the Republic and had then extended might still be treated in the same way .
11 The warmth of the sub-lava magna can still be felt through the feet .
12 A number had already married English girls ; their Anglicised names may still be recognised in the region .
13 But I believe the hypothesis can still be defended in the light of recent knowledge .
14 The phrase " mobile , lucid and continent " can still be heard on the lips of Officers-in-Charge who remember when this was the case .
15 Exceptionally serious types of juvenile cases would still be heard in the Sheriff Court or in the High Court .
16 Detente , the cold peace , had started with the crack of a rifle in downtown Dallas , and the echoes could still be heard in the corridors of the White House .
17 It was built in 1965 , using the underframe of Pantograph car 170 , whose distinctive running noises can still be heard beneath the superstructure .
18 Sounds of fighting could still be heard from the far side of the bailey , but it was easily apparent that de Raimes ' men were outnumbered and outclassed .
19 The influence of Carstairs may still be detected in the handwriting of many Americans who , generally , apply a higher standard to calligraphy than do the English for similar purposes .
20 They say that search is monotonic if , whenever two operators can be applied to a state , either can still be applied to the state produced by the other .
21 It was published in eighty six eighty seven , although it 's no longer available in shops , it can still be obtained through the library service if you care to request it , which I have .
22 " Darling , if you put your ear close to mine , you 'll hear last night 's electric , whining , beating group that should still be issuing from the brain tissue . "
23 As a result , I shall experience a succession of different " complexes of qualities " but I shall still be looking at the same bunch of flowers .
24 The formal publication stage is much the same when it comes to record content — peer and institution review will still be looking for the same things .
25 The kindest way is to say that , had we followed the advice so loudly and frequently given by the right hon. Member for Manchester , Gorton ( Mr. Kaufman ) and his colleagues seven or eight years ago , it is highly probable that the hammer and sickle would still be flying over the Kremlin and , more importantly , that the Soviet armies would be massed in Europe .
26 Cartographic logic suggests it was in fact an isolated hill that stands above the headwaters of the Rio Congo — an unspectacular 1,800 ft-high hillock , somewhat denuded of trees , a short distance away from a rudimentary track ( made by wild pigs , or cattle , or perhaps by people long ago ) which can still be discerned in the jungle .
27 She had loved Vitor from their moment of meeting , she was in love with him now and — Ashley thumped at her pillow — she would doubtless still be besotted by the man in another thirty years .
28 If no output filename is specified , any errors detected will still be written to the scrolled area .
29 However , they may still be selected by the punchcard or electronic pattern .
30 Unfortunately , the password only gives protection from within the DOSShell , files and programs can still be accessed from the DOS prompt .
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