Example sentences of "still [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It does n't seem fair that women put in just as much effort , dedication and time as men , and are still treated in a second-class fashion .
2 Nevertheless , the document was still consulted in the early thirteenth century , which shows that it was regarded as an important statement of custom .
3 But while their cricketing cousins were making history at the Calcutta Eden Garden pitch , rugby was still embroiled in the hard world of politics .
4 I 'm still eating in a guilty , uncomfortable way : huge amounts one day , then fasting or taking laxatives the next .
5 This was another , remote area of the complex which had remained untouched by Roirbak 's artistic caprices , and was still furnished in a bare , functional style .
6 In 1801 most English people still lived in a rural environment ; only one person in every three lived in a town and most of those towns were small by modern standards .
7 The comrades Honecker , Zhivkov , and above all , Ceauşescu himself , still lived in a mental world shaped by both Stalin 's dreams and his cynical realism .
8 Very few Russian nobles moved west , but " in 1858 the majority of the nobles in the Russian Empire … still lived in the nine western gubernii [ provinces ] " .
9 After her reception in the village store , she was not keen to go back with further questions to establish that Veronica still lived in the Red House .
10 He was elected to succeed Gaston Mullegg as President of FISA when he was 33 and still competing in the Swiss rowing team .
11 To these reluctant Dutchmen the invasion was a liberation , and even the weather matched their joy ; the sun was climbing into a cloudless sky and beginning to burn of the mist which still clung in the leafy valleys .
12 From Old Stratford to Towcester it still goes in a straight line for 8½ miles .
13 Oh , oh , well he 's still reversing , he 's waving his arm about for everyone to overtake him but , he still sits in the same position oh dear
14 After all , despite the success of Mossad , Israel still lives in a perpetual state of fear and terrorism .
15 £5.5m Former model turned singer Sam Fox makes the richest women charts with a £5.5 m fortune — but she still lives in a humble flat
16 Spiro , whose mother still lives in a comfortable first floor flat in Golders Green , had the best education money could buy .
17 Later to be run on the death of his father by Ted Parris , who still lives in the same road , taking over at the age of 15 until called into the services during the first war .
18 Finn lives in a small place in America , and having been poor , still lives in the same way .
19 The Great Train Robbery still lives in the public imagination , and the drama still goes on .
20 Her car was still parked in the same place , already it looked dusty and unused .
21 The essence of the restraint of trade doctrine is still contained in the famous speech of Lord MacNaghten in Nordenfelt v Maxim Nordenfelt Guns and Ammunition Co [ 1894 ] AC 535 : The public have an interest in every person 's carrying on his trade freely : so has the individual .
22 The Ostrich Inn still stands in the ancient village of Colnbrook near Slough .
23 For example , the rule which automatically renders transactions carried out by company directors in breach of the prohibition on self-dealing voidable can be modified , but it has been held that the director must still act in the best interests of the company .
24 He is still respected in the financial markets , even though voters disagree .
25 He still joins in the traditional New Year shooting at Sandringham , but , apart from that family outing , he seldom bothers with shooting birds nowadays .
26 When the Dark Elves first split from the rest of Ulthuan many from their own lands did not join them but were still caught in the terrible war that followed , culminating in the destruction of their land by the magics unleashed by the Dark Elf sorcerers .
27 When the Dark Elves first split from the rest of Ulthuan many from their own lands did not join them but were still caught in the terrible war that followed , culminating in the destruction of their land by the magic unleashed by Dark Elf sorcerers .
28 We do n't have to talk literature , y'know — I 'd as leave hear news of America , parts of which still linger in the Carboniferous Age , I understand . ’
29 It attracted people of similar views and backgrounds and it 's no surprise — or should n't be — that such people still mix in the same circles now .
30 The wrecked Wellington bomber still smouldered in the open field .
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