Example sentences of "still [verb] his [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was still nursing his hand wound and was in pain for most of the evening , but his all-singing , all-dancing performance brought him a standing ovation and fifteen curtain-calls at the end of three magical hours .
2 He still uses his service rank , does he ? ’
3 The teacher of the deaf also alters the child 's educational environment but still proclaims his hearing ability ( i.e. the ‘ residual ’ hearing ) .
4 Can he not still keep his company car though , off sick .
5 The contemporary world is not entirely eschewed ; the baby still wears his romper suit .
6 Patrick stood by his window , fully dressed , but still wearing his dressing gown , watching an elegantly dressed meddle-aged couple alight from a gleaning Rolls Royce .
7 He was still stifling his baby sister 's cries .
8 Andrew the eldest still keeps his Butchwana passport
9 I can still hear his plaintiff cry , in a strong Durham accent , before the cast broke : ‘ He 's pulling al me line oot . ’
10 The Mayor looked highly delighted as Captain Pugwash , still clutching his brandy barrel , ushered his captives , their guards and his crew into the room .
11 He 'd always gone to the fields long before Edward was up for school , but today he was still wrapping his lunchtime bread and cheese in a cloth .
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