Example sentences of "still [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the document was still consulted in the early thirteenth century , which shows that it was regarded as an important statement of custom .
2 But while their cricketing cousins were making history at the Calcutta Eden Garden pitch , rugby was still embroiled in the hard world of politics .
3 Very few Russian nobles moved west , but " in 1858 the majority of the nobles in the Russian Empire … still lived in the nine western gubernii [ provinces ] " .
4 After her reception in the village store , she was not keen to go back with further questions to establish that Veronica still lived in the Red House .
5 He was elected to succeed Gaston Mullegg as President of FISA when he was 33 and still competing in the Swiss rowing team .
6 To these reluctant Dutchmen the invasion was a liberation , and even the weather matched their joy ; the sun was climbing into a cloudless sky and beginning to burn of the mist which still clung in the leafy valleys .
7 Oh , oh , well he 's still reversing , he 's waving his arm about for everyone to overtake him but , he still sits in the same position oh dear
8 Later to be run on the death of his father by Ted Parris , who still lives in the same road , taking over at the age of 15 until called into the services during the first war .
9 Finn lives in a small place in America , and having been poor , still lives in the same way .
10 The Great Train Robbery still lives in the public imagination , and the drama still goes on .
11 Her car was still parked in the same place , already it looked dusty and unused .
12 The essence of the restraint of trade doctrine is still contained in the famous speech of Lord MacNaghten in Nordenfelt v Maxim Nordenfelt Guns and Ammunition Co [ 1894 ] AC 535 : The public have an interest in every person 's carrying on his trade freely : so has the individual .
13 The Ostrich Inn still stands in the ancient village of Colnbrook near Slough .
14 For example , the rule which automatically renders transactions carried out by company directors in breach of the prohibition on self-dealing voidable can be modified , but it has been held that the director must still act in the best interests of the company .
15 He is still respected in the financial markets , even though voters disagree .
16 He still joins in the traditional New Year shooting at Sandringham , but , apart from that family outing , he seldom bothers with shooting birds nowadays .
17 When the Dark Elves first split from the rest of Ulthuan many from their own lands did not join them but were still caught in the terrible war that followed , culminating in the destruction of their land by the magics unleashed by the Dark Elf sorcerers .
18 When the Dark Elves first split from the rest of Ulthuan many from their own lands did not join them but were still caught in the terrible war that followed , culminating in the destruction of their land by the magic unleashed by Dark Elf sorcerers .
19 We do n't have to talk literature , y'know — I 'd as leave hear news of America , parts of which still linger in the Carboniferous Age , I understand . ’
20 It attracted people of similar views and backgrounds and it 's no surprise — or should n't be — that such people still mix in the same circles now .
21 The wrecked Wellington bomber still smouldered in the open field .
22 At the end of the war , as one of the victors , we still believed in the absolute viability of the independent nation state .
23 It will still appear in the hard copy system but will be unavailable for work .
24 Glass paperweights are still made in the same style today .
25 The numerical details of the results may not be generally applicable , since the flow was still developing in the downstream direction at the observing station ( and the Reynolds number may not have been high enough for Ri to be the only parameter ) ; but the results should indicate well the general trends .
26 He later became known as Magnus the Pious because of his unflinching devotion to the cult of Sigmar and to the ideals of nationhood which Sigmar still signified in the divided Empire .
27 Or maybe something like the morning star that still hung in the dawning sky .
28 The multinationals have moved to other countries because of the civil war and according to the last report , in May 1983 , there were only four factories still operating in the multinational industrial parks .
29 ‘ Sometimes , old boy — and I speak as one who has changed a good many nappies in his time and is not a total stranger to either the washing-up bowl or the kitchen stove — sometimes I wish we were still living in the good old bad old days . ’
30 The early modern English household listings show that over half ( 55 per cent ) of all over-sixty-year-olds lived with relatives apart from their spouse , and by far the most common of these were unmarried children still living in the parental home .
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