Example sentences of "still [verb] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 The fight to save wildlife still goes on in the Shetlands .
2 It appeared round the corner with loud threats of speed , but the colt that it startled from among the gorse , which still flickered indistinctly in the raw afternoon , outdistanced it at a canter ( 2 ) .
3 Scathach slung the clothing he had looted across one of the horses which still paced nervously in the enclosure .
4 We can assure the world that the spirit of wartime Liverpool still lives on in the young taxi drivers , news vendors , waiters , waitresses and the police .
5 My father still lives there in the house where I grew up . ’
6 The firecrackers were still exploding intermittently in the courtyard and occasional salvos of cannon fire boomed out from beyond the walls of the Imperial City .
7 But you see what we 've got here is this problem of the old definition of quality , still lurking there in the mind , quality is a degree of excellence , therefore you have high quality and low quality .
8 For long periods in the past , however , towns and cities did not exist , and yet many , if not most , of the functions which major urban centres fulfil today were still carried out in the landscape .
9 Let us say that , although not trapped in a fight for survival , we are all still caught up in the ordinary competitiveness of business , social gamesmanship , and marriage .
10 The last thing I want after the programme is to be still caught up in the atmosphere of the studio .
11 If he just suddenly hits me without warning , thought Bob , I shall almost certainly go straight over backwards with my feet still caught up in the bar-stool , and split my skull open on the floor .
12 His eyes raked mockingly over her dishevelled nakedness , and she shuddered , still caught up in the storm he had unleashed , but horrified , too , to realise what she 'd just been doing .
13 Follow That Camel was filmed in May , but Gerald Thomas still woke up in the morning to find snow all over their Fort Zuassantneuf set .
14 She still woke often in the night full of strange forebodings , but with the Reverend Baron to confide in and laugh at her wilder interpretations of what she had dreamed , she survived better .
15 Though still rather austere , the city and suburban villa ‘ scattered homes ’ , housing between twelve and twenty children and their attendants , were a considerable improvement on the vast institutions still operating elsewhere in the country .
16 The loss of Acre in 1291 had a symbolic significance for all the nobilities of western Europe , but a sense of unfulfilled obligation still lingered on in the testamentary dispositions of Gascon nobles .
17 Asik 's faith in God was rapidly decreasing and the only reason he still trusted God was because the memory of his dear mother still lingered somewhere in the back of his now muddled mind .
18 The wheel he had mounted on a bit of rod from Stewart 's smithy still turned freely in the burn at the side of the kail-yard .
19 While people down south are still lying out in the sun and enjoying their holidays , up here we have to start planning well ahead for the long winter to come .
20 Although still ranking lowest in the official hierarchy , merchants ' expanding wealth and influence , and the degree to which the samurai ruling class was dependent on them , constituted a major anomaly within the system .
21 A recent analysis from Jones Lang Wootton shows that demand for business space is still growing faster in the south east than in other regions with about half of the firms surveyed looking for premises outside London .
22 The team were still wrapped together in the comfort zone of a four-year period when each had cosseted and protected the other .
23 Montrose House would of course not be the only cost-effective alternative but it does give some idea of the scandalous waste of resources which is still going on in the semi-State sector .
24 The Persians had been driven from Greece not many years before the temple was begun , and the fight to free Greeks from them was still going on in the east .
25 However , some natural change has gone on and is still going on in the country , and physical changes need to be anticipated in any local study .
26 ‘ And are you still going down in the starsuit ? ’
27 ‘ And are you still going down in the starsuit ? ’
28 Although all staff will have been through a thorough central basic training course ( see Chapter 6 ) much additional training and supervision is still needed back in the bureau .
29 The situation still exists to-day in the 1980s but there is a more flexible and liberal attitude and deaf teachers of the deaf are once more gaining teaching appointments .
30 Little knots of people still talked earnestly in the street outside the church for a long time afterwards .
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