Example sentences of "still [verb] [prep] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 've probably lain like that with dozens of women , ’ she threw back at him , not caring what she said as long as she could exorcise the intimate pictures still flashing through her mind .
2 The victim , aged 44 , is still recovering from her ordeal which happened outside Barclays Bank in Kingsway , Dovercourt , on February 22 .
3 It had been a part of her intention in coming here to banish those shades : already it seemed they were darkening her mind as surely as they still lowered across her father 's .
4 This was the final straw for Mrs B who broke down completely at the thought that her daughter could still think of her mother when this horrible thing was happening to her .
5 My daughter still lives with her father .
6 She lies there on her side , facing me , watching me , still panting , hands still trapped behind her back , a strange , charged expression on her face , and after a bit she says , ‘ Is that it ? ’
7 There she had found her husband still snoring on her cot , and she had stretched out on his ; but sleep had n't come , and long before dawn she had decided she must leave the camp at once .
8 Even after it was finally over , faint echoes of it still quivering through her body , only fading very slowly away , she could n't move .
9 The text implies that Veronica has tea separately from John as she is still fed by her mother .
10 A quarter of a century later , it is a moment she can still picture in her mind 's eye and she can still summon up the painful feelings of rejection , breach of trust and isolation that the break-up of her parents ’ marriage signified to her .
11 She had never spent so long taking her clothes off , but when she finally stood alluringly naked she saw that he was still looking at her mouth .
12 The police are still looking for her killer .
13 The bullet is still lodged in her brain .
14 At a party at 9 Apollo Place , Norman Bowler had spent much of the evening dancing with Henrietta Law who was still living with her husband Michael in Kensington though their marriage was by then over .
15 For Melanie , at fifteen , it had been her first sexual relationship , she now had a baby daughter and was still living with her family .
16 She 's still living with her mother .
17 Still living with her mother , I think , in that unmade-up lane .
18 Creeping to the windows of the married quarters in which she was still living since her husband 's sudden and secret posting , she looked up to see a mass of twinkling red , green and white lights , as wave after wave of aircraft passed overhead with unceasing regularity , making the earth shake beneath them as they roared southwards to the English Channel .
19 He was still lying on her bed , his head propped up on one hand .
20 He looked up as Marion , Conroy still clutched to her side , came out through the doors from the stage , some of the others trailing behind her .
21 James pointed to the brown envelope Christina still clutched in her hand .
22 order was heard still waiting for her word
23 Greta 's still waiting for her knight in shining armour
24 Returning to the front entrance , he found Hendrix still waiting for her food , smoking yet another cigarette .
25 His lips were fiercely hot , melting every bone in Isabel 's body , despite the dawning knowledge fighting its way up through the mists of sleep still clinging to her brain .
26 Mistress Hopkins , no beauty in life with her scrawny face and wispy hair , had been brutally killed : her eyes popped out of their sockets , her swollen tongue was clenched between gapped yellow stumps whilst her skin was blue-black , the breath throttled by the scarlet garrotte cord still tied round her neck .
27 Donna said nothing ; she just dropped to her knees , the .38 still gripped in her fist , face bruised , her lip bleeding .
28 The SUPPLYKITS interim dividend had been seven per cent — an excellent figure — but in spite of this satisfying result , Miranda still fretted about her neglect of KITS .
29 Indoors Mum was still crying into her apron and Dad was pacing back and forth , fuming .
30 As she lay listening to the sound of the grown-ups ’ laughter coming through the wall , Dot felt round the sharp tin edges of her victory brooch still pinned to her cardigan front and remembered how Gloria had once said you 'd always be safe in a place like this .
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