Example sentences of "last [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now er in the last sentence you 've got five marks to give for spelling and punctuation .
2 When Nicola had despatched the last brick she began to yell loudly .
3 In the last hour they 've added , ’ there was a delay in putting information on the computer records .
4 For the last hour they had done justice to Molly 's superb cooking .
5 He had n't expected this precipitate visit and in the last hour he had bawled out everyone in sight .
6 There was no emotion in his voice ; but I was thinking of Alison , of that last look she had given me .
7 As a last resort they tried introducing Ned to other stones in an attempt to distract his interest — blondes , brunettes and the occasional hard-to-find red-head but all to no avail .
8 As a last resort he decided to take a leaf out of the Oriental 's book , by using psychological warfare against him .
9 And that last whore he had killed had looked very much like one of those from Petersburg .
10 He thought of a Socialist future for his half country , and conceived the hope of a job in which he might have the luck to be gripped by some stupendous ire of work , trying to avoid the spectacle of the people around him and in the wet street outside , which pointed out a fraternal indifference in the world that was the last perception he cared to harbor .
11 She used the roses from the last wedding she 'd handled .
12 The last poet they had had , had been Ralph Hodgson , before the war .
13 In the last chapter I have discussed briefly the " most general principle of individuation " , based on the principle of Excluded Middle .
14 I figured the last interview I 'd given them , right after the bombing of Flight 103 , had probably been the root cause of why my life had been turned inside out , and I was n't looking for any more trouble .
15 Last spring he had said ,
16 This necklace , she said , picking up another , this was the last piece she had bought from him .
17 Somewhere past Pontino , the last village she remembers seeing , they were told to turn into a narrow lane where they were met by a small truck .
18 Low , the last question I want to ask you is really a rather naive one .
19 And the last question I want to raise with you is that erm how do you feel about your initial problem on pricing ?
20 Maurice told me that last winter he had to borrow a candle from Dreadnought to unfreeze the lock of his woodstore .
21 He grew flowers on the graves : last winter he had started a cemetery at the bottom of the garden and stuck in a big cross for a sign .
22 Monument Hill was the last place he wanted to go to , but he knew he had to see it again for himself .
23 I do n't enjoy getting from point A to point B. The last place I want to go to is an airport .
24 Here in Jake 's splendid and tastefully furnished home was the very last place she had expected to be tonight .
25 I mean Tommy who , who he retired just as a magistrate erm and a manager erm he is in this last focus we 've had you know the centenary , er Tommy and I .
26 She was suddenly aware of approaching hurried footsteps , and scurried back into the last room she had passed , which was n't locked and turned out to be a storeroom for spare cables and bulbs for the lighting system .
27 But for our last point we had to rely on being half-right about two issues : we rightly predicted a Common Market between the US and Canada — but wrongly thought it would also include Mexico and Venezuela ; and we predicted that unemployment would rise sharply in the West , causing more flexible working patterns — but were over-optimistic about the implications , seeing masses of people returning to school in middle life and then starting a new career .
28 Each paragraph should begin with a sentence which relates what comes next to the last point you have made and to the structure of the essay as a whole .
29 At the last moment she decided to take Sarah along , too .
30 ‘ At the last moment she tried to back out but I dragged her back by the elbow .
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