Example sentences of "over [art] [adj] few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 To someone accustomed by the existing advanced accounting courses , with no involvement in the National Certificate , the proposals seemed somewhat revolutionary and the document generated a good deal of discussion over the following few weeks on the relative merits of the B1 and B2 models etc .
2 I remembered , however , that my father had told me of this sort of thing happening in the past , and the sands had always returned over the following few weeks and months .
3 Francis Tidbury received a certain amount of sympathy over the following few days , but the public were so outraged at the brutality involved , it carried little weight .
4 Her next door neighbour , a Mrs. Ellen Greaves , gave evidence that she had constantly challenged Esther Dyson in sign language ( which she had learnt through daily contact with the deaf brother and sister ) over the preceding few months about her being in the family way .
5 Two more recent developments have been home blood glucose monitoring and the glycosylated haemoglobin ( HbA 1 ) or fructosamine — indicators of the integrated blood glucose level over the preceding few weeks .
6 Since new SVQs are being accredited almost on a monthly basis , SCOTVEC is introducing ‘ SVQ Accreditation Update ’ which will list all accredited SVQs and those expected to be approved over the ensuing few months .
7 If such a revolution comes about , there will doubtless be a role for the huge accelerators physicists have built to construct and test the standard model over the past few decades .
8 Over the past few decades , however , the approach to conservation and protection of our cultural heritage has changed .
9 But if we look at the chemistry and other science portrayed in comics and illustrated periodicals , we can see an interesting shift in public attitudes over the past few decades .
10 The western diet has changed dramatically over the past few decades .
11 Strategies for integrating data reported at different geographical scales and for different map projections have received considerable attention over the past few decades ( Robinson et al. 1984 ; Burrough 1986 ) .
12 Over the past few decades , the world 's demand for tin has fallen dramatically as packagers have reduced the thickness of the metal in tinplate or have turned to other materials for their containers , aluminium for instance .
13 Over the past few decades , considerable research effort and capital has been directed towards developing materials that do not cause thrombus formation when exposed to blood .
14 Over the past few decades researchers have shown that chimps can create artworks ( abstract thought ) , use tools in a quite sophisticated fashion , and understand the concept of language : humans and chimps can use sign languages like Ameslan to communicate with each other to a reasonably advanced level .
15 Very many educational reports over the past few decades have portrayed black pupils as having special needs because their cultural background is inadequate ( e.g. Rampton Report , 1981 ) .
16 In most other countries those firms employing over 1000 workers have substantially increased their share of output and employment over the past few decades , so why is Japan different ?
17 In most other countries those firms employing over 1000 workers have substantially increased their share of output and employment over the past few decades , so why is Japan different ?
18 The fact is , beneath all the nonsense about the so-called ‘ new man ’ , men and the male culture have changed dramatically over the past few decades .
19 Over the past few decades , in particular , in structuralist anthropology , psychoanalysis , and Marxist theory , there has been a major theoretical effort to challenge the naturalness of the ‘ unitary subject ’ in social theory , to see the individual as a product of social forces , an ‘ ensemble of social relations ’ , rather than as a simple natural unity .
20 An interesting speculation is that the decline in H pylori infection over the past few decades would account at least in part for the reported decline in duodenal ulcer disease in Western populations .
21 We live in a technological age , and there are going to be major changes without a doubt , we 've all seen them over the past few decades , and into the future there are going to be many major changes .
22 Over the past few games McAllister might as well stayed in bed for all he did IMHO .
23 She had n't been keeping track of the conversation , but he seemed to have pulled himself together over the past few minutes .
24 ‘ We received enough indications over the past few days that he could have gone through with it , ’ a senior spokesman said .
25 ‘ Not many of the original lot that landed at La Breche five days ago , ’ I replied , ‘ There have been a lot of casualties since the landing , many of them caused by mortar fire over the past few days .
26 The newsheet had started to appear over the past few days as the villagers began to return to their homes .
27 After all , she has been asked the question several times over the past few days and will not say yes or no .
28 BEDS are being cleared in several London hospitals because of the large increase in influenza patients in the capital over the past few days .
29 BEDS are being cleared in several London hospitals because of the large increase in flu patients in the capital over the past few days .
30 THE sickening events in Romania over the past few days now leave Albania as the last resort of old-style Stalinism .
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