Example sentences of "over [art] [noun pl] ['s] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The masks , however , were specially constructed — made from heavy-duty , vulcanised rubber and fitted by stretching them over the actors ' heads so that they clamped underneath the nose and at the back of the crown .
2 A boy dangled a paper lantern over the dancers ' heads , a globe of pleated paper with a lit candle inside , bobbing at the end of a pole , a second moon .
3 Plans were put into action to buy and erect floodlights , but more importantly to install toilets , as the constant ‘ watering ’ of the oak tree behind the grandstand was causing it to rot away and sway , menacingly , over the directors ' seats .
4 He wears pink rubber gloves , their tops stretched over the overalls ' cuffs .
5 Tuthanach slingshot whizzed and whirred , and two of the horsemen fell back over the mounts ' haunches .
6 She and Jim talked together secretly about leaving the house and going off to somewhere ‘ more committed ’ , but Phoebe could not bring herself to give up the only home she knew of , could not bring herself to choose absolutely Jim 's commitments over the women 's commitments .
7 A flock of chattering sparrows came over the Cages , landed on the grass by the litter bin where Woil had taken stance , and then twittered off again over the tigers ' cages .
8 The country worker who came to town lost much of his independence , in spite of the long-established guilds , which had existed from the past to watch over the workers ' interests .
9 In 1983 , Pilkingtons management bypassed stalled central negotiations to install new plant-specific negotiating procedures over the unions ' heads .
10 This deployment of weapons , with the fast-firers mounted high , is because we are the tallest Titan , and will aim over the Warlords ' shoulders
11 Then the chains on some passes were too short to pass over the wearers ' heads : they were getting longer chains in .
12 THE LIDs OVER the cannons ' eyes slid open as the pirogues approached ; the watch would have thought that he was only imagining the narrow prows breaking the black water , but the order had been given , ‘ Full alert ’ , and so the English sailor trusted his eyes and raised the alarm .
13 And when the first visors were introduced they made the heavy hats flop down over the troops ' faces .
14 By the time I had come downstairs and made it over the mali 's trenchworks , Balvinder had polished the bonnet so bright he could curl his moustache in the reflection .
15 The geese arrived with a bow wave that surged over the nomes ' feet , and arched their necks down towards Shrub .
16 It seemed like a huge sword of Damocles hanging over the sprinters ' heads .
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