Example sentences of "'ll [vb infin] [verb] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Keep it up and I 'll consider promoting you to Lance-corporal unpaid . ’
2 Okay er Phil I 'll need to see you about erm organizing the unit party .
3 He 's obviously badly in need of a friendly brew — he 'll stop having you over the fence after that , I 'm sure of it .
4 The movement of this reminds me of er stage set and the figures on the bench could almost be actors and actresses and with the figure at the bottom here , the male at the bottom , well its not quite at bottom , tucked away at the side there , he , he , he looks like erm , like a harlequin figure , maybe a mischief maker , er I , I felt there was a lot of fun in this painting and a lot of erm , er gravado and , and stage specs , that kind of thing , so this poem is called for obvious reasons People Of The Nile , and I 'll read it twice , probably be the best way Ancient people drawn on a vase , tell a tale , warn a friend , man dressed in red holds back a curtain , over hears and tells , they are gossiping people , playing Chinese whispers , so I , I , I quite wanted to give that er a , a contemporary updated feel , erm , I read that again for the people who may of just seen the picture at the back People Of The Nile , Ancient people drawn on a vase , tell a tale , warn a friend , man dressed in red holds back a curtain , over hears and tells , they are gossiping people , playing chinese whispers , erm , the next one , we 'll have to put you on wheels I think
5 I did phone her a few weeks ago and she said , ooh I 'll have to see you on Friday in Mould you know get a
6 ‘ I 'll have to take you to the optician 's , ’ she said .
7 ‘ I 'll have to take you to bed and remind you what a harem 's duties are .
8 Yes , when you get a bit bigger we 'll have to take you to a pantomime and then you 'll be able to say that .
9 ‘ Then I 'll have to take you in hand , wo n't I ? ’
10 I 'm afraid I 'll have to leave you to your own devices for a while . ’
11 Unfortunately I 'm going to be busy for most of today lecturing to a group of Japanese businessmen , so I 'll have to leave you in the hands of my assistant .
12 ‘ Now Jane , ’ turning to me , ‘ I 'll have to leave you in this room with Mason while I fetch the doctor .
13 ‘ I 'll have to re-allocate you to another job soon , Chief Inspector , unless you can show some progress . ’
14 I 'll have to introduce you to my wife , Joanna .
15 He must have liked the look of me because after a bit more discussion he said , ‘ Well , we 'll have to learn you to milk , and learn you to feed calves and the rest will follow on .
16 And if you 'd got a good suit , you 'd take that , then fetch it out for the weekend , so they 'd looked decent , and when you took it back on Monday and he said I 'll have to drop you on that , Ah , so you wo n't this week .
17 erm , and er , sometimes even pleased to say well I 'll try to get you in purple , but er , nowadays erm , we , we do n't go in for that because there 's , there 's so many er shops now that selling lighting fittings erm and selling nothing else , there is n't one actually in Harlow , but there 's one in Epping and there 's one in Stortford , erm that er , it 's , it 's riding a new car people want to see er a good variety of them , have a look at a lot or a washing machine or anything like that , you want to see many before you buy one .
18 By day we 'll offer to show you around the island or let you laze by the pool — the choice is yours .
19 There you are , and that 'll help to turn you into a human being .
20 you know , I 'll say thank you for taking Anna-Marie to , to the Mozart concert .
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