Example sentences of "'ll [verb] you for a " in BNC.

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1 There you are young Walter , and that 'll keep you for a week .
2 It 'll cost you for a garage round here !
3 so that 's all it 'll cost you for a car
4 " If that be so , then I 'll take you for a wife .
5 I thought we could have lunch in the garden after your inspection — I 've already arranged for the fridge to be restocked — and afterwards , if you do n't fancy going to the beach , we could go out in my boat , or I 'll take you for a tour of North Zealand , through the quaint old villages with their farmhouses and gardens full of hollyhocks and the beech woods .
6 I 'll take you for a closer look . ’
7 I 'll take you for a meal and drop you at Ilse 's place afterwards .
8 I 'll tell you for a fact that Steven wo n't go for Ollie tonight , it 's Paul that 's gon na go for him .
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