Example sentences of "'ll [verb] [det] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I know what , I 'll swop that for a pound coin , yeah , and you give me back the pound coin and plus that fifty P , yeah ?
2 And then you 'll want some for the holiday , when we go just to Cromer wo n't you ?
3 We 'll have to use all our rehearsal time for Luxembourg too — we ca n't possibly afford to have the full cast up here for longer than three weeks and we 'll need that for the new production . ’
4 She 'll do that for a long time , I bet .
5 Yeah designation of greenbelt , authority of Harrogate Borough Council , approximate land-take erm you 'll see that for the blue route , that affects one point four hectares of greenbelt land , whereas for the inner routes , purple affects seventeen point six hectares , orange , twenty point two , red twenty point five and pink twenty point eight .
6 Er and you 'll see that in group two , the impact of the various routes on occupiers , residential occupiers , you 'll see that for the blue route and that this is where we have the number of properties demolished by the different routes , on the top line , er in terms of noise effects adjacent to new road , number of houses within a given distance , a centre line , nought to fifty metres there are are only five properties within nought to fifty metres of the blue route whereas there are thirty on the purple , twenty er on the orange , less on the red , four and five on the pink .
7 We 'll have that for the next meeting .
8 ‘ Er , I 'm not sure I 'll have enough for the tube fare to Liverpool Street , but the rest I can manage .
9 We 'll try this for a couple of weeks and see how things do .
10 I 'll change that for a pink one .
11 Now the diabetic , I 'll leave that for a moment because I 'll do that in a moment , erm the absorption , usually gardeners , agricultural people that have , dealing with ordinary insecticides , pesticides , herbicides and all the other -cides that er , are about today , they 're usually protected , but sometimes either you get somebody in a garden with and using all these things and they , they do n't read packets do they any more ?
12 So after a week he takes away the bandage , removes the bit of radium , sure enough there 's a bright red radiation burn on his forearm but apart from that he feels fine , he does n't feel ill , he obviously has n't died , er so he said well I 'll leave that for a few weeks and monitor my , my health and see if there 's any long term affects from this exposure to , to radiation .
13 Okay we 'll leave that for a minute and we 'll have a look so you can forget all about it right then I 'll ask you later when you 've forgotten okay .
14 It goes a bit weird so we 'll leave that for a while let's have a look at erm what happens when we 're doing times .
15 Now because I 'll leave that for a moment right , so one way we may test the structural change , right , is to construct what 's called a dummy variable and a dummy variables in a wide variety of applications they can be used to er get rid of er outlying observations , very very high or very very low observations .
16 Er now I do have as I say some detailed points on constraints and things but perhaps I 'll leave those for the moment .
17 No , we 'll leave those for the people to put in .
18 I too could give you a very good speech on traffic island but I 'll save that for the Transportation Highways and Engineering Sub- Committee .
19 I could make a few inspired guesses that the machinery will get , not so much cheaper , although it is getting a bit cheaper , but you 'll get more for the same money — rather like calculators _ they have n't actually got very much cheaper in the last two or three years , but you get more for your fiver .
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