Example sentences of "must be have to the " in BNC.

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1 However , in Coote v Eastern Gas Board , Byrne , J. decided that regard must be had to the nature of the industry in question , thus the plaintiff , a gas worker , could not complain about the ‘ usual ’ smell of gas .
2 In borderline cases , such as broken down vehicles or power assisted pedal cycles , recourse must be had to the case law .
3 So article 7(5) of the Leasing Convention , which provides that nothing in article 7 is to affect the priority of any lien creditor , does not mean that lien creditors are to have priority over the lessor , merely that article 7 itself is not to be treated as dealing with the issue , so that resort must be had to the applicable law .
4 It followed that regard must be had to the contractual obligation under consideration , and not to the contract as a whole .
5 It has been said that regard must be had to the nature of the contract broken , the position of the parties to the contract , the grounds for the breach , the means employed to procure it , the relation of the person procuring it to the person who breaks the contract , and the object of the person procuring the breach .
6 The fact that organizations developing or supplying software or manufacturing and distributing hardware could be liable for the consequences of failure requires them to consider means of reducing or limiting liability and , whilst practical measures such as quality control and testing are of vital importance , regard must be had to the legal position regarding defects .
7 Regard must be had to the fact that the employee 's sense of danger will have been dulled by familiarity , repetition , noise , confusion , fatigue and preoccupation with work ( Caswell v Powell Duffryn Associated Collieries Ltd [ 1940 ] AC 152 ) .
8 Where , in complying with s 51(8) , the responsible person reduces the amount which would otherwise be awarded to the person in question , the amount of that reduction must not exceed a prescribed percentage ( for the time being 25 per cent ) and on any taxation of the costs payable by that person to his legal representative , regard must be had to the amount of the reduction ( s 51(9) ) .
9 Regard must be had to the decision in Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1981 ] AC 487 .
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