Example sentences of "must be [verb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 " We " must be credited with primal parents , a first father and a first mother , who were mortal like us , who procreated children like us , who , like us , were different from other animals and other beings , both real and imaginary .
2 Although realistic estimates of the capital costs to the university for radical restructuring are not available , these are known to be substantial ( perhaps £200m immediately ) , and the implications of all the Tomlinson proposals to the wellbeing of Londoners , to the university , and to the practice of medicine in London must be viewed with great concern .
3 Since this is , in effect , as much an oblique comment on the present as a literal interpretation of the past , what such accounts tell us about the quality of village life in the past must be handled with considerable scepticism .
4 Personal computers are too fragile to cope with viruses and must be replaced with sophisticated systems which are resilient to viruses in the first place .
5 The fabric must be cut with right-angled corners .
6 The Opposition believe that we should consider alternatives and the ability of magistrates to say that something must be done with first offenders and that an alternative can work .
7 This must be done with open eyes .
8 This must be done with open eyes .
9 Much development was taking place and the old landmarks were fast disappearing , so he realised it must be done with some urgency .
10 These must be done with swift strokes , as if you were drawing a cartoon rather than painting in oil .
11 Er , it 's something that will be welcomed by the trade union movement , a new forward , a new beginning to join once again the fruits of our labour with partnership with other unions and the Labour Party which was what we all need , but it must be done with careful planning and the brains at the top of the union must be telling the of the union , the members on the shop floor , the right direction in which to walk .
12 The Code also stipulates that all searches must be conducted with due consideration for the property and the privacy of the occupant , and with no more disturbance than is necessary .
13 Other people , some obviously unused to rough walking and ill-equipped for it , will inevitably be encountered on the popular path through the gorge , their approach being heralded by screams and shouts , to the dismay of those who prefer to be solitary and silent amidst scenes of grandeur , but this is a place where the company of others must be accepted with good grace .
14 However , such a course must be adopted with great care .
15 These statements must be treated with great reserve .
16 The jaguar represents the ancient power of the jungle , and must be treated with absolute respect .
17 Though not all his points are equally well taken , there can be no doubt that he is right in his basic assertion that the Kanunname is shot through with anachronisms suggesting sixteenth-century alterations and additions and that any provision of it must be treated with reserve and checked against other sources before being accepted as being genuinely of the time of Mehmed II .
18 His article is particularly valuable for the evidence which he adduces from contemporary documents , some of which is of considerable importance in helping to determine the facts of Molla Fenari 's life ; but much of what he says is , as will be shown , based on so little genuine historical evidence ( insofar as this can be judged from the sources he quotes ) and appears so speculative that it must be treated with some caution .
19 Such remarks , however , must be treated with some caution .
20 Similarly , although the smallness of the samples of 16th , 17th , and 18th Century publications in need of repair means that conclusions about them must be treated with some caution , it is worth noting that if all pre-1800 items are treated as a group and the proportion of them allocated to each of Categories 3–5 calculated , their pattern of distribution ( ‘ Poor' 78% ; ‘ Bad ’ 18% ; ‘ Fragile ’ 7% ) comes close to matching that already established for all defective items .
21 The clean-ups are complex : sites must be treated with special chemicals or bacteria .
22 There is plenty of material about Jacobite activity from those hostile to a Stuart restoration , but since this was a time when immense political advantage was to be gained by tarnishing one 's opponents with the stigma of loyalty to the exiled royal family , such sources must be treated with immense scepticism .
23 He saw Olga Stych go off to church an hour early and deduced that she must be helping with some small church chore before the service .
24 Candidates tend in Ireland to be voted for by electors who know them , and they must be selected with this in mind .
25 In the light of the foregoing , an invitation to spell out the legal rules governing the treatment of the terminally ill must be regarded with some trepidation .
26 The back of the pack must be covered with further detailed health information .
27 Where a defective asphalt roof on boarding is to be renewed , the level boarded surface must be covered with bituminous felt before the asphalt is applied .
28 Hence horses must be reared with other horses to learn to communicate with them .
29 Management strategy must be developed with this in mind .
30 4.34 All appropriate checks must be made with allied agencies to seek information about new clients with particular reference to potential risks of violence or aggression .
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