Example sentences of "must be [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The whole system usually depends on gravity — which means the cold water storage cistern must be above the highest point of the hot water cylinder ( usually the hot water draw-off ) , and the hot water cylinder must be above the boiler so that the heavier ( cooler ) water falls and the lighter ( heated ) water rises through the various connecting pipes .
2 ‘ Then you must be about the only person in London that has n't heard , ’ Bragg said drily .
3 ‘ I have n't even seen the original series — I must be about the only guy in the western hemisphere who has n't , ’ he said as the cast walked up the plank in Irvine , Ayrshire , to inspect the Vital Spark for the first time .
4 His kids must be about the same age . ’
5 ‘ This must be about the sixth glass of water you 've asked for . ’
6 Even if such feelings and judgements are not disreputable in themselves , they must be under the firm guidance of respect for sheer duty .
7 Because the hot gas is pervasive , cooler gas embedded in it must be under the same high pressure .
8 And the abiding memory of the eighties must be of the greatest achievement , the enormous increase in passenger traffic .
9 Since the play is by Shakespeare , the critical policy has been to assume the tragedy must be of the first stature and , therefore , the play would be written to support this revelation of interiority .
10 video and film must be of the highest professional standard and rigorously edited
11 The honourable calling of a councillor must be of the highest worth for no councillor must lower himself or his calling by obtaining any illegal financial gain from his activities as a councillor .
12 This takes us into the nebulous area of psychological assessment , but it is also the case that the supply of information must be of the right type and in the right form to enable human beings to respond and act correctly , especially the air traffic controllers and the flight crew .
13 But to the historian it must be of the deepest interest .
14 The ice to be melted must be of the transparent blue variety , which is free from fine cracks through which the hot water can drain .
15 For helices to entwine together they must be of the same handedness , like the strands of a rope .
16 It need not be exactly the same work but must be of the same nature and capacity and at the same place .
17 I do n't know the figures for mental illness , but they must be of the same order , though better hidden .
18 In other words : " if it looks different it must be of the same age " , and " if it looks the same it must be diachronous " .
19 Its muscles must contract more quickly ; and because its muscles must be of the fast , white variety to achieve this , they cost more , energetically , to generate the force the quail needs in order to run .
20 Given that macro-decisions inherently and inevitably condition micro-decisions , the principal focus of attention must be on the political decision-maker .
21 Any book on London that opens with Dickens must be on the right lines .
22 The puppy must be on the lowest level .
23 David Elsworth 's Imperial Brush must be on the short list .
24 As discussed earlier , the emphasis must be on the residual rural population , even if in a minority , who are , and will always be , dependent on public transport .
25 The important point , however , is that the two " likes " must be treated as like in some respect ; and in the linguistic cases this does not merely mean that the two items co-ordinated must be on the same level in terms of specific syntactic classifications , as has often been remarked ; more importantly , it is clear that they must be alike in both bearing one of the other relations , already introduced , to some third element ; thus , in : ( 38 ) Nora is Irish and beautiful the structure is such that Irish and beautiful are both related to Nora by assignment , while in : ( 39 ) bed and board is going to take half his wages the relation of instantiation links both bed and board to the single entity in the subject position .
26 The comment may be continued over more than one line , and in order for the header to scan successfully , the files and the module header file must be on the same account .
27 The taxation must be on the contractual basis , that is to say , the indemnity basis .
28 Somewhere people are drumming — it must be at the far end of the village , because at times the rhythm is distinct but when the wind takes it it becomes muffled , merging with the roar of the full monsoon river .
29 For a full equilibrium two conditions must be fulfilled : first the economy must be at the natural level of unemployment , where expectations of inflation are correct ; and second the government must have no incentive to fool people by stimulating aggregate demand .
30 The more the star has moved at the end of the Earth 's journey of 186 million miles , the closer it must be to the solar system .
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