Example sentences of "must be [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 The information must be matched to the business 's objectives and critical success factors .
2 They are essential to the well being of local government and must be supported to the full .
3 written medical evidence , or evidence of compassionate circumstances relevant to the performance of a candidate in a written examination must be presented to the course director or senior course tutor not later than five days following the examination ;
4 written medical evidence , or evidence of compassionate circumstances relevant to the performance of a candidate in cumulative or other forms of assessment must be presented to the course director or senior course tutor by the date on which the work was due to be submitted .
5 See Chapter 1 for the rules relating to the presentation of petitions in the High Court and various county courts having bankruptcy jurisdiction together with the list of such courts and the areas served by them in Appendix A. If there is a voluntary arrangement in force under Part VIII of the Act , the petition must be presented to the court dealing with the voluntary arrangement .
6 Due credit for this transformation must be given to the brash and charming American champion , Walter Hagen , who lived like a millionaire and ignored the social conventions of the day .
7 Thus particular attention must be given to the needs of the target population — the end-users and intermediaries .
8 The Japanese claim , first , that because whaling is uncertain the benefit of the doubt must be given to the whalers .
9 ( d ) Twenty-four hours ' notice must be given to the Corporation of any proposed movement of cars across the West Croydon Junction .
10 However , notice of this election must be given to the Inland Revenue not later than the time of the appeal made against the Schedule E assessment containing the disputed benefit figure .
11 First , however , consideration must be given to the other major approach to assessment that informs current practice .
12 Consideration must be given to the distinction between informal and formal care .
13 In explaining the fall in mortality , some weight must be given to the increasing wealth of Europe which made possible better feeding and better housing — however slight the improvements may have seemed to the poor .
14 To do this successfully , care and thought must be given to the choice of words and phrases and to the tone and style .
15 ‘ If the legislature thinks that in this field the public interest overcomes some of the common law 's traditional consideration for the individual , then effect must be given to the statute which embodies this policy .
16 Due weight must be given to the child 's wishes , but the court is not bound by them .
17 There is a clear need for a population-orientated strategy to complement and reinforce policies aimed at local and national economic restructuring , but , as is argued further in the next chapter , if such an approach is to stand a good chance of success much more attention must be given to the improvement of data sets suitable for monitoring population change at regional and urban scales and to the study of the causes and consequences of internal migration .
18 Primacy must be given to the human rights of the individual boy or girl .
19 Some attention must be given to the social and economic conditions that create the need for social policies .
20 Policies must be understood as products of politics , and attention must be given to the policy creation roles of politicians , civil servants , pressure groups and the electorate .
21 It will be clear that to understand social policy considerable attention must be given to the findings of political science .
22 Where the board decides to hold a hearing , notice must be given to the licence-holder and the complainer in accordance with subs .
23 If the application is not dismissed , the court must fix a hearing , at least seven days ' notice of which must be given to the debtor ( or his solicitor if the application was made by his solicitor ) and the creditor and the person named in the demand , if any , with whom communication regarding the demand can be made .
24 One copy of the petition is returned to the debtor endorsed with the hearing date ( if the court does not hear the petition forthwith ) , but if a voluntary arrangement is in force , at least 14 days ' notice of the hearing must be given to the supervisor .
25 Such changes are likely to have fundamental effects upon the way companies operate , and so consideration must be given to the impact of developments upon product-costing , cost control and investment appraisal — concepts already discussed as central to the corporate resource-allocation process .
26 Careful thought must be given to the requirements of the plants and livestock and suitable accommodation provided .
27 The register may be kept at the company 's registered office or at another office of the company or at the office of professional registrars to which the company has delegated this task , but , if kept otherwise than at the company 's registered office , notice must be given to the Registrar of the place where it is kept and of any change of that place .
28 Priority , in terms of funding , staffing and programming , must be given to the educational needs of the large majority of the population who do not at present have access to educational resources beyond minimum school leaving age .
29 Growing environmental awareness is leading more people to conclude that in order to survive greater credence must be given to the concept of sustainability .
30 Secondly , as already mentioned , some consideration must be given to the status of the sites being compared in the pattern .
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