Example sentences of "must be [vb pp] with the " in BNC.

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1 The percept initially evoked by A , therefore , must be equated with the a and c elements that it activates unconditionally , After training , however , presentation of A activates not only these but also elements that in other circumstances are unconditionally activated by stimulus X. The pattern of central representation ( and thus , by one definition , the percept ) is changed by experience , making the phenomenon an instance of perceptual learning .
2 The changes brought about by electronically based information technology are so fundamental that , for the historian at least , they must be equated with the invention and spread of printing or perhaps even the initial development of the written record .
3 Many women who work have other responsibilities which must be harmonised with the responsibility to their employer .
4 Although the Boss always fights with his Mob he still counts as a Character and his points cost must be reckoned with the Character points allowance .
5 An essential first step is to demonstrate that pre-training must be given with the same stimuli as are used in the test phase .
6 I have established that the initial phase of training must be given with the stimuli that are to be relevant in the test phase .
7 Specimen signatures of those who are entitled to bind the firm or the company must be deposited with the Companies Registry ( ‘ procura ’ ) .
8 For a 12 section bowl each segment must be cut with the blade angled to exactly 15° .
9 All must be done with the required ceremony .
10 This must be done with the object of replacing them with a single rational religion compatible with human needs and unrelated to blind and futile faith in unproven ‘ gods ‘ .
11 This must be done with the prior approval of the Council of Ministers or its Executive Committee " .
12 Most importantly , the assessment must be conducted with the older woman .
13 Instruments appointing proxies must be lodged with the company 's registrars not less than forty-eight hours before the time fixed for the meeting .
14 A proxy which the holder intends to use at any meeting of creditors must be lodged with the official receiver not later than the time mentioned for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting or the adjourned meeting .
15 In England and Wales a claim must be lodged with the Police authority within 14 days of the incident being declared a riot .
16 A copy must be lodged with the Quotations Department and the Panel at the same time as it is posted to shareholders .
17 ( 4 ) A copy of any circular sent by the board of the offeree company to its shareholders in connection with the tender offer must be lodged with the Panel at the same time as it is posted .
18 On the other hand , defensive circulars do not have to comply with the Code 's information and content requirements and do not have to contain a responsibility statement which gives the target company 's board greater latitude ( although , of course , it should avoid negligent or misleading statements and defamatory remarks and copies of its circulars must be lodged with the Panel ) .
19 Before be would perform liege homage , he must be invested with the lands and rights which were agreed between his father and Louis IX .
20 resource constraint : the project must be completed with the manpower , equipment , and financial resources allocated to it .
21 In their view , the EC must be endowed with the ability to formulate and carry out a common foreign and security policy , particularly vis-a-vis the East and Central European countries ; the lack of such a policy has unfortunately prevented effective EC action in the former Yugoslavia .
22 She knew that some of the men there were shepherds who came in from the country and that all this must be connected with the kidnapping .
23 What that dour clerk had announced must be connected with the death of Lady Eleanor , and , perhaps the death of old Martha .
24 After the Water Bill was enacted , said the newspaper , ‘ all staff at the Anglian Water Authority were warned that statements about water quality must be cleared with the organisation 's lawyers and merchant bankers .
25 ( 8 ) The text of the tender advertisement must be cleared with the Quotations Department if the offer is made on the London Stock Exchange but otherwise with the Panel and copies of the final text must be given to both at the same time as they are given to the newspapers .
26 ( 13 ) All statements of future intention by the buyer which are proposed to be contained in the tender advertisement must be cleared with the Panel first .
27 Such a body must be registered with the Registrar of Companies ; default leading to limited partners being treated as unlimited ones .
28 Childminders — who look after your child in their home — must be registered with the local authority and they and their families are regularly checked by the police , according to the 1989 Children 's Act .
29 Agreements between two or more firms that involve certain types of restrictions must be registered with the Director General of Fair Trading , and defended in the Restrictive Trade Practices Court .
30 Incitement , direct or indirect , must be treated with the full rigour of the law .
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