Example sentences of "must [be] [vb pp] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 But they are also inconvenient , because frequent doses must be given to maintain a continuous effect .
2 Like the policeman and the clergyman , he is ‘ never off duty ’ , so that he must be seen to lead a life of probity .
3 Because on the stage they acquire importance , they must be seen to have a proper purpose .
4 Unfortunately , this needs 2 command lines and must be done using a CLI command file .
5 All efforts possible must be made to prevent a ‘ Return to Year Zero ’ .
6 This presumably means that leave must be sought to file a supplementary statement where any time limit for filing evidence has expired .
7 Therefore , unless excluded from the greenbelt by a particular process , all land in this area must be assumed to have a greenbelt purpose .
8 It defines the physical actions and thought processes which must be undertaken to perform a task .
9 With a helicopter , the rotation is caused by the descent and the blade speed must be maintained to avoid a ‘ stall and loss of control .
10 A portfolio must be constructed by going long in the security and short in the call options so that , where m is the number of calls that must be written to produce a riskless hedge .
11 And high frequencies must be used to carry a number of TV channels because each is 8 MHz wide and they are ‘ stacked ’ one over the other in the frequency spectrum .
12 This is the dichotomy that must be used to form a framework within which any curriculum change must be placed .
13 The problems faced by older workers must be used to develop a broad strategy to remove inequalities in working and safety conditions inside factories and offices .
14 Programs written using high-level languages , such as C , must be translated using a compiler into machine code so that the computer can understand them .
15 Now here we move in to a bit of Plato always be aware of those who argue by analogy by general law life and limb must be protected yet often a limb must be amputated to save a life can you guess what 's coming next ? but a life is never wisely given to save a limb .
16 The detainee making a request ‘ must be permitted to consult a solicitor as soon as is practicable except to the extent that delay is permitted by this section ’ .
17 Both a male and a female holly must be planted to obtain a display of berries
18 Steps must be taken to ensure that each decision is genuine , and adequate post-baptismal ( or post-conversion ) counsel and care must be provided to ensure a good environment for the nurturing of new life ( McQuilkin 1973 , 1974:48 ) .
19 The filename extension must be typed to load a file with any other extension
20 The Club of Rome , an international group of politicians and academics which , for the past 20 years , has campaigned against nuclear power , has now published a report accepting — albeit reluctantly — that nuclear power MUST be allowed to play a significant part in world energy production . ’
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