Example sentences of "must [be] [verb] as a " in BNC.

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1 People will ask , ’ Are they more concerned with their politics than with recommendations that must be implemented as a matter of urgency ? ’
2 Such collective ‘ consumption ’ must be viewed as a cost levied upon current production .
3 The size of such settlements can easily be overestimated as the number of buildings must be viewed as a factor of the length of time the site was occupied and the frequency with which buildings were replaced .
4 Any specialised product , which is as directly involved with the hygiene and comfort levels within the kitchen area , must be viewed as a potential risk if not designed , manufactured or maintained properly .
5 According to Oakeshott , civil association must be understood as a form of moral association .
6 Given , therefore , that the company has come about essentially through private means , it must be understood as a private body , to be run by the corporators for their own self-selected purposes , and without any obligation to further the greater good .
7 We have already seen that indirectly the question in utterance ( i ) must be understood as a request .
8 The rules of court contain a table which lists the various applications which may be made under the Act and specifies who must be named as a respondent ( FPCR , Sched 2 ; FPR , Appendix 3 ) .
9 Thus what Strange calls sterling 's role as a ‘ negotiated ’ currency — a top currency on the slide , which has to be constantly defended — emerged enormously strengthened from the Attlee period , and this must be seen as a major part of the legacy of that government .
10 ‘ The belugas ’ plight must be seen as a warning that marine life in general is threatened .
11 Thus domestic service must be seen as a type of economic relationship operating in all levels of society .
12 Given Israel 's inability to sustain large casualties this must be seen as a weapon of similarly fearsome proportions to Israel 's own nuclear capacity .
13 The whole phenomenon of the Industrial Revolution must be seen as a cumulative process , resulting in an economic take-off at the end of the eighteenth century under the stimulus of the Napoleonic Wars .
14 It 's not a giant step , but any demonstration of a willingness to accept outside assistance must be seen as a positive move .
15 This too , however , must be seen as a presentation of the lives of human beings , which is useful perhaps for taxation purposes but bears little resemblance to the real world .
16 The failure of successive governments to deal with these causes must be seen as a fundamental one .
17 This must be seen as a specialist task , on a par with other administrative duties and research commitments .
18 Furthermore , from the functionalist perspective , the normativist style must be seen as a nostalgic response to these facets of modern society .
19 Adding it all up , it is clear that the conventional picture of the sudden and unrivalled appearance of the ‘ affluent ’ and ‘ Americanised ’ Teddy Boys — crazed by rock-and-roll , besotted by television , their pockets bulging with loose change — must be seen as a gross distortion of the actual events .
20 Government policy must be seen as a whole , not in parts .
21 Nevertheless , in practice , innovation must be seen as a function of the quality of the school .
22 Basically the 1969 Act , despite the controversy that has surrounded it and the resource problems that have hampered its implementation , must be seen as a notable step forward and one consistent with a renewed general acknowledgement of the importance of the family .
23 As a group , today 's old people are still relatively deprived in our society and this must be seen as a major failure in social security policies .
24 The handbook must be seen as a major step forward in British planning method , and although the results were slow to be realized , one city at least , Coventry , perhaps shows in plan form what the authors might have envisaged .
25 The transition to evolutionism must be seen as a social event occurring within the scientific community .
26 To be sent to one of these ‘ special ’ hospitals you must be seen as a danger either to others or yourself .
27 Innocent 's own construction of a fortified residence at the Vatican , on the Mons Saccorum , must be seen as a conscious effort to build a power base away from the Lateran ( sometimes called " the winter palace " of the pope ) , where the Conti were vulnerable .
28 However , this included a number of agreements which ceded flexibility of task allocation to management , which must be seen as a step away from union involvement in safeguarding the quality of working life .
29 The disadvantage of an equitable assignment is that if the purchaser is to enforce the contract against the supplier or debtor , the vendor must be joined as a party ( see Performing Rights Society Limited v London Theatre of Varieties Limited [ 1924 ] AC 1 ) .
30 Apart from fraud , and certain exceptional cases , damages could be obtained only if the representation were fundamental , so as to constitute a condition , or must be ranked as a warranty , collateral to the main contract , such as a statement concerning the soundness of a horse .
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