Example sentences of "must [vb infin] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Mr Kinnock must stress the extent to which Labour has really changed .
2 I believe that in order to restore confidence and status in the profession , teaches must make the effort to be actively involved in research , and at least in the reading and discussion of the results of published research .
3 This means that in the case of a community service order , the court which revokes the order must sentence the offender to a sentence which would have been available on the occasion when the community service order was made , and if it is considering whether the offender qualifies for a custodial sentence for the purposes of Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4) and 1(4A) , must consider his history and attitude on the day when the original order was made .
4 I think that with him you must seek the answer to your problem . ’
5 While no one must know the extent to which she had been alarmed , she had no objection to them knowing the cause .
6 The only idea she had was of discovering some sort of shelter for the night , for she must catch the stage to her destination early in the morning .
7 But the exercise of choice must be a special one , for it must alert the parties to the fact that they are about to enter a binding commitment from which they can not simply opt out .
8 In this case the seller must surrender the goods to the sub-purchaser and will be reduced to pursuing his personal remedies against the buyer .
9 ( S. ) 84 that the sentencer must consider the extent to which the offender 's presence in the country was to the detriment of the country , and the effect of the recommendation on the members of the offender 's family .
10 You must include the answers to the questions " of what ? " and " by whom ? " , which will lead you into defining your target audiences .
11 Under section 90 , the chief officer of police must refer the complaint to the D.P.P.
12 Proposals for a settlement are inappropriate , and the court must specify the sum to be disallowed ( post , pp. 667G — 668D ) .
13 As is indicated above the judge must specify the sum to be disallowed or ordered .
14 And I must send the Weeders to my Rye :
15 If the address for service by the bailiff is not within the district of the court issuing the summons , or within five hundred yards thereof , the issuing court must send the summons to the court within the district for which the address for service is situated for personal service to be effected by that court ( Ord 7 , r 7 ) .
16 ‘ They say we must bring the prisoners to the airport in two hours .
17 8.2 A member of staff who has been assaulted or has received a threat of violence in the course of employment must report the incident to their line manager as soon as is practicable .
18 To eliminate these defects we must remove the reference to inference and tighten up the relation specified between the false beliefs and the true justified ones which are not to count as knowledge .
19 The owner must believe the information to be secret and not already in the public domain .
20 The effect of the covenant is that the tenant must procure the premises to be kept in repair .
21 Such hotness will be almost imperceptible to those who eat chilli every day , and the notion that Thai food must sear the mouth to be authentic is a misunderstanding .
22 The notice calling such meeting must indicate the business to be transacted .
23 The advantage to the developer is that he is under no obligation to exercise the option and proceed with the purchase , whereas the landowner must sell the land to the developer if the terms of the option are met .
24 We must take the box to the police station and ask them to check it out . ’
25 And we 've agreed the key point that the teacher and the learner must have the opportunity to ‘ bring things together ’ in meaningful and productive ways .
26 Fourthly , pupils who have been unsuccessful in achieving all the learning outcomes must have the opportunity to be re-assessed after appropriate consolidation or reinforcement .
27 Should any branch have any complaint to make they must do so to their branch secretary who must submit the matter to the branch , it 's talking to yourself .
28 In contrast , unrestricted-use credit is where the debtor has the control over the application of the loan , and this is so even if it is a term of the loan contract that he must apply the money to a specified purpose ( CCA 1974 , s.11(3) ) .
29 Thus the law insists that a director who wishes to enter into a transaction where there is any possibility of a conflict between his own interest and his duty to act in the best interests of the company must disclose the transaction to the shareholders in general meeting and obtain their consent to it .
30 By such a mechanism , in which family ties played an important part , a relatively rapid ascent was opened up for the younger sons of the prosperous Catalan farmers who must leave the farm to the chosen heir ( the hereu ) ; within a generation a man could make a modest fortune , exposed to the risk of loss as well as the hope of gain .
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