Example sentences of "must [vb infin] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He thought of the calls he must make to tell the other T'ang , but for the moment he felt no impulse towards action .
2 Despite this major problem , banks must endeavour to monitor the external debt position of countries .
3 RE must endeavour to revive the natural awareness and sensitivity which most likely has been lost by middle junior school , and apply this recovered awareness to the religious vocabulary which pupils need to understand in order to make sense of religion .
4 He must 've broken the other arm because the next day he had both arms in plaster .
5 We must strive to create the economic framework in which record numbers of jobs will once again become available .
6 ‘ We must strive to change the African situation by first changing our own perception of its causes and nature and then by forging a new but positive image of ourselves , ’ they said , adding :
7 3 In addition to providing for strong and responsible government it has been claimed that the system provides for moderate government because the two parties in a two-party system must strive to occupy the middle ground where the votes lie thickest and this obliges them to control their extremists who might dissuade the middling voters from giving their support .
8 The first is the support to be given to what women can and must do to unfold the full meaning of marriage and motherhood .
9 There was one girl , however , who knew what she must do to please the Great Spirits .
10 Those who break it must expect to face the full force of the law . "
11 The treaty on political union must begin to supply the democratic foundations of a devolved democratic federal system of government , without which monetary union will never survive .
12 We must therefore look for some accommodation between states , and this in two important respects : we must seek to further binding agreements between states which limit and reduce the possession as well as the use of nuclear weapons and we must work to control the lesser hostilities whose escalation will always be one of the chief threats of total destruction .
13 Whereas the Natural History Museum ( the V&A 's neighbour on the other side of Exhibition Road ) attempts to justify admissions charges through an energetic advertising and marketing campaign promoting the idea of the museum visit as an entertaining-cum-educational day out for the whole family , the ‘ national Museum of Art and Design ’ must work to counteract the potential elitism implicit in its status as an institution of cultural as opposed to ‘ natural ’ history .
14 But , you must remember to leave the correct interval of time between each letter , which is one dash .
15 With renewed talk of winding down both military alliances some ministers believe Nato must avoid stating the obvious : that the Warsaw Pact could cease to exist as a viable alliance .
16 When something does n't go as we had hoped we must try to see the good that comes out of it in the end .
17 One must try to locate the precise questions with which to replace Marx 's schematism .
18 Now I must try to get the young people dancing . ’
19 Anyone interested in joining the course must have completed the retail management training scheme .
20 Magistrates sitting in the Juvenile Court must have completed the special training for the Juvenile Panel .
21 Two of the several names owned by another recipient had strayed into someone 's word-processor to create a further deserving don , the knowing reference to whom must have ruined the new year for more than one senior scholar .
22 The puppets are modelled on the famous illustrations by Tenniel — but Spitting Images must have influenced the formidable duchess and Tebbit-like cook and they stirred their pepper soup and sneezed .
23 I accepted his offer as Sir Galahad must have accepted the Holy Grail .
24 Somehow I must have missed the original LPs ( or perhaps they were never released this side of the Atlantic ) , but here are Jean-Pierre Rampal , Isaac Stern , Yo-Yo Ma mixing it up with Japanese instrumentalists , playing traditional oriental music alongside pieces by Yamada , Miyagi , and Yoshizawa , amongst others .
25 He did not reply to the letter I left on his desk until months later , by which time he must have overcome the initial shock my flight must surely have caused him .
26 They must have recalled the prophetic remarks in 1829 of the Nez Perce elder Speckled Snake : ‘ I have listened to many talks from the great father .
27 You must have heard the old story about the bucket of water ; when it was shown to the optimist he described it as being ‘ half full ’ while the pessimist said that it was ‘ half empty ’ .
28 Whoever was in the flat must have heard the muffled sound of the closing door and was going through into the bedroom to have a look out of the window .
29 He must have heard the racing results at six o'clock .
30 An orbiting imperial cruiser must have noted the attempted escape .
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