Example sentences of "must [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The difference is that with understanding , the semantic processing must eventually involve translation of the natural language input into an internal language with a semantics that is based on the knowledge representation structure of the system in question .
2 Therefore they must necessarily make reference to that history .
3 But even Christians of a more liberal variety must necessarily make reference to a past age .
4 This search must necessarily take place against a broader background of views about the relationship between linguistic factors and educational development .
5 These big events must be properly controlled if ever they take place and they must only take place with police permission and proper licenses .
6 Thus if the first purpose of a particular religion is to help people to a sense of the presence of God and express a response to God , then the study of the ritual which helps them towards this goal must constantly draw attention to this significance .
7 Judicial notions of justice must generally give way to those expressed by Parliament where they are inconsistent .
8 The clearer the disclosure and the description given of the effect of the loss of protections , the more likely it is that SFA would regard the customer as having sufficient understanding to qualify ; and ( 3 ) The customer must normally give consent in writing after getting a proper opportunity to consider the warning .
9 Furthermore , whilst the act of worship must normally take place on school premises , it may take place elsewhere on a special occasion .
10 The CB must somehow involve obedience to instruction on the grounds that Chris can not have a tantrum while doing as he is told .
11 It is this complexity that the study of social policy must somehow take account of .
12 The new decision does not let Hampshire off the hook — the county must still find room for 66,500 new homes — but it accedes to the county 's own view that it can find the space more sensibly outside the north-east or central parts of the county .
13 When they come to write up the results of their research different anthropologists will , for doctrinal reasons , give very different weight to these two major aspects of the data , but , in the field , the anthropologist must always pay attention to both sides .
14 Contemplating ‘ the displaced fragments of inner city decline ’ — peripheral council estates — it suggested that wealth-creation ‘ must always go hand in hand with just distribution , — offering , thereby , an alternative interpretation of ‘ partnership ’ ( p. 53 ) .
15 But then it is only a presumption ; and , as such , it must always give way to the language used if it is clear , and also to all counter presumptions which may legitimately be had in view in determining , on ordinary principles , the true meaning and intent of the legislation .
16 So the advice is , and I 'm not an investment advisor , it 's because of the exemption you must always take advantage of all tax exempt forms of savings before you look at anything else .
17 The demands of people at risk of suicide or of harming others must always take precedence over the quietly distressed but passive long-term sufferer , and it is often better , therefore , to relieve mental health workers dedicated to the particular needs of people with long-term problems from having to cope with the emergency short-term demands of new patients .
18 The moral is that the need to clearly communicate findings must always take precedence over considerations of technical adequacy .
19 Ministers must always find time for an Opposition motion of censure but such a motion is inappropriate for some matters .
20 We must also divert money from the expensive irrelevancies of poster campaigns and media triumphalism towards full-time agencies and local party-building .
21 The first is a lack of judicial time particularly when judges in Court of Session must also give priority to criminal cases .
22 The City must also confront competition from new office development around its fringes and in the London Docklands .
23 But a demonstration of orderliness must also involve appeal to an existing social structure which serves to ‘ institutionalize ’ action — that is , to impose a set of constraints on behaviour and , at the same time , to endow action with meaning .
24 And you must also make provision for things going wrong :
25 You must also show improvement in a physical activity either in a team or as an individual .
26 But it was confined to the specific issue of whether a duty of care existed — to establish liability , a plaintiff must also prove breach of duty , and loss caused by that breach .
27 We must also take note of the variety of heroin career patterns amongst the 61 respondents .
28 If anchoring , in its essentials , refers to the way that new information is categorized and rooted into cultural beliefs , then theorists must also take note of the way that information can be particularized and uprooted .
29 I think that without these basic reactions art could not exist , but one can not explain art wholly in terms of these reactions ; one must also take account of our self-denials .
30 In order properly to analyse the performance of the firm , we must also take account of these considerations .
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