Example sentences of "must [adv] [vb infin] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A person 's social development is thus crucially linked to the physical fact of ageing : no one can be fixed in a low position , but must eventually succeed to the highest status , simply by staying alive .
2 In some circumstances , it may be preferable simply to keep the idea secret and rely on the law of confidence ; this costs nothing and there is no requirement that the invention must eventually fall into the public domain .
3 The theory of the ‘ survival of the fittest ’ predicts that the old and weak must eventually succumb to the young and strong , and that this is necessary for the future vitality of the species .
4 We have come here to see the king and we must all go into the temple .
5 I 'm not saying that what I 'm saying is that that we must all have at the back of our minds a a sort of considered opinion of what 's
6 In effect , Ayer has put them in a ghetto and they are happy to remain there , content to be making statements of nonsense in the assurance that what to the believer are the words of God must necessarily appear to the unbeliever mere gobbledygook .
7 It has been supposed that a vocal response must necessarily emanate from the left hemisphere and that a stimulus presented in the left half field of vision must therefore be transferred from the right to the left hemisphere .
8 There was no year on the letters , but they must necessarily come after the publication of Ash 's dramatic poems , Gods , Men and Heroes , which had appeared in 1856 and had not , contrary to Ash 's hopes and perhaps expectations , found favour with the reviewers , who had declared his verses obscure , his tastes perverse and his people extravagant and improbable .
9 Whereas Aristotle did not enquire into the mental process by which we perceive time , because he believed that our minds must necessarily conform to the time of the physical universe , St Augustine took the mind 's activity as the basis of temporal measurement .
10 To achieve profound change , women must necessarily work within the existing structure .
11 Although the case of a limitation upon , or condition precedent to a right to serve a notice to quit , does not appear to have been the subject of judicial decision , his principle that , if a covenant affects a landlord qua landlord , it must necessarily run with the reversion , appears to me a sound criterion …
12 Also new is the requirement that a private company which has elected under the substituted section 252 to dispense with the laying of accounts before a general meeting or , under section 366A , to dispense with the holding of annual general meetings , must so state in the return .
13 To those who did not respond to his sad soliloquies on the terrible social stigma which must naturally fall upon the parents who forbade their own child the opportunity of gainful employment and condemned him instead to a living purgatory of dole-queue misery , there was always the wall of shame , upon which their names must be forever writ in letters big , for destroying the glorious reputation of the school .
14 To see essentialism and social constructionism as polarized opposites may be useful for rhetorical purposes , but any fully-sensitive analysis of culture and sexuality must constantly negotiate between the two .
15 It remains true , nevertheless , that if the members of the school wish , as they say they do , to write ‘ total history ’ , they must perforce deal with the relations between the properties of social wholes and those of individuals , which are the main focus of concessive holism .
16 What the ancient people experienced must largely remain in the realms of speculation , but we can look to China for a system which is still in use and very specific on the question of how earth energies relate to the landscape .
17 ( Compare non-absolute transfers , or sales by way of mortgages which are outside the scope of the SGA 1979 but must nevertheless comply with the Bills of Sale ( 1878 ) Amendment Act 1882 ) .
18 She has succeeded in convincing Rainbow that she alone must somehow atone for the misdeeds of the ancestress who caused poor Anya to wander forever in a twilight world .
19 The only restriction being that a condition must directly relate to the site and must be reasonable .
20 But they must still rely on the banks satisfying that demand by lending more — and the banks may not oblige .
21 You will lose your own payments , but he must still pay towards the children .
22 The results of these measures will for some time be inconclusive , if only because parties to an experiment must still depend on the larger part of the economy which continues to operate according to traditional principles .
23 The interesting , though not necessarily plausible , feature of this result is that firms know that when the price falls below the critical level this is due to a random shock , because they know it pays no one to cheat , but nevertheless they must still go into the punishment phase to enforce the collusive agreement .
24 For example , the rule which automatically renders transactions carried out by company directors in breach of the prohibition on self-dealing voidable can be modified , but it has been held that the director must still act in the best interests of the company .
25 Action : The latest modification record must always appear at the top of the list .
26 The date must always appear on the title page , where the month and year are usually sufficient .
27 In doing this the anthropologist ‘ at home ’ quickly comes to understand why he must always stand on the margins of structure .
28 Officers are dependent upon their dischargers to do their job efficiently and must always think to the future when they may need the active co-operation of a polluter .
29 But we must always distinguish between the nature of the process and the nature of the record .
30 Godwin also offered guidance on moral problems ; we must always look to the general good , calculate the consequences of the courses of action open to us , and arrive at an unbiased decision .
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