Example sentences of "must [adv] [vb infin] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In 1965 I read about Penrose 's theorem that any body undergoing gravitational collapse must eventually form a singularity .
2 The finiteness of the simplex method , established in Chapter 3 , shows that in any sequence of tableaux optimal over degenerate intervals , we must eventually reach a tableau with for all critical columns j , and consequently , at the next iteration , a tableau optimal over a non-degenerate interval .
3 But the development of continuing education must eventually have a backwash effect on initial professional education at the undergraduate stage .
4 The UKCC insists that any second level nurse seeking entry to a first level part of the register must successfully complete an examination of the same standard as that required for students undertaking a three year first level nursing preparation .
5 The scenes of horror and infamy on board of a man-of-war are so many and so great that I think they must rather disgust a mind than allure it . ’
6 There was nothing for her here ; and if this was admitted between them it must swiftly prove an admission with only one exit .
7 A Christian position must necessarily have a Christology .
8 To represent a happening as unforeseeable , however — and herein lies the explanation for the use of the infinitive with to — one must necessarily evoke a position before its occurrence : the stretch of time leading up to it must be evoked as containing no prior indication that it was going to occur .
9 I stopped after a short while and said ‘ this is nonsense — I ca n't learn any more of this sort of thing by two o'clock — I must just do a prose right through and see how I get on ’ .
10 But first I must just have a word with you about … ’
11 ( c ) He must normally make a record of the search there and then unless this is impracticable .
12 The more she thought about it , the more clearly she saw that she must somehow get a warning to Tristram .
13 But every song must still tell a story , with a chorus to define the moral , and most remain drippingly sentimental .
14 If continued taking of the medicine does not produce remedy symptoms then the patient must still have a disease/energy disturbance that matches the disease producing capacity of the remedy .
15 I have recently addressed the disciplinary committee on these issues and I am confident it is aware of their importance , although what decisions are taken in an individual case must always remain a matter exclusively for those who hear the case .
16 Many others do take it on board and a doctor must always remain an optimist .
17 It must always involve an excess beyond the totality without which the totality could never be totalized , which must mean that it can never in fact be closed .
18 The justification for a scale of ‘ utility ’ is that any two outcomes can always be ranked , because an individual must always have a preference between them .
19 We must always have a note , you see .
20 ‘ If it is a gesture , then it must always have a meaning . ’
21 His uncle 's birthday was noted , he must always have a Christmas present bought and sent in good time .
22 ’ WEU could establish a link between a Europe in the process of unification and an Atlantic Alliance in the process of transformation and thus provide the vehicle for a stronger Europe to contribute more to joint security WEU must be at one and the same time the means of allowing Europe to make its voice heard in a Euro-American dialogue ’ — it must never be forgotten that Europe must always have an input into that dialogue — ’ of which the Atlantic Alliance is the institutional framework and the instrument for making the most of the European contribution to the defence of the West This contribution of Europe is the more essential in that the American military presence on the continent of Europe , reduced since the war in the Gulf , will remain below what it was in the past Defence policy should continue to be made in the organisations which assure collective defence , NATO , and WEU .
23 Whatever the nature of the immediate problem , the professional must always have an eye to helping parents generalise the skills they have learned .
24 The RNLI must always have an eye to the future , anticipating the needs of sea rescue many years ahead .
25 You must always include a General , but apart from this you are free to choose as many or as few characters as you wish .
26 You must always include a General , but apart from this you are free to choose as many or as few characters as you wish .
27 They imposed a two-fold test that the decision must both affect a person 's legal rights and also be taken by a court-like body .
28 We must both find a way through this , and I demand that we in this country support the Commission in its negotiations , demanding that the United States come further towards us , so that together we can find a solution for the whole world , instead of throwing batons at each other across the Atlantic .
29 If a statement of affairs has been lodged , the official receiver must also send a summary of it together with his observations on it unless he has previously reported to them and nothing material can be added , but if the lodging of a statement of affairs has been dispensed with , the official receiver must give creditors a summary of the bankrupt 's affairs ( amplified , modified or explained as he thinks fit ) ( rr 6.75 and 6.76 ) .
30 How long it lasted must also remain a mystery , as must the rise of its probable successor at Hereford , where Anglian settlers known as the Magonsaete were well established by AD 691 .
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