Example sentences of "must [be] the same [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I should add that the outcome would have been no different even if the Act of 1985 had applied since Mr. Thomas concedes the time when the cause of action arises must be the same under both Acts .
2 The couple exerted by this stress is over a length of cylinder l and this is the total couple M exerted on the inner cylinder , since this couple must be the same at all radii .
3 As a result , marginal product which is the slope of the total product curve and average product must be the same at L 2 units of labour .
4 It must be the same with our world too . ’
5 When planning such a design , you must always imagine that a vertical dotted line is running down the middle of the picture , so that the flowers and leaves must be the same on either side of it .
6 Nuclear equations Nuclear equations must balance , the total mass must be the same on the left and right hand sides .
7 Justification must be the same for true as for false beliefs , if only because we can ask and decide whether a belief is justified ( e.g. a belief about the future ) before we decide whether it is true or false .
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