Example sentences of "must [be] [vb pp] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 If a plaintiff abandons the excess of his claim to bring it within the jurisdiction of the county court , the abandonment must be stated at the end of the particulars ( Ord 6 , r 1(3) ) .
2 The bow may be fired three times in the shooting phase , but it must be fired at the same target ( be this a unit of troops , a monster , or whatever ) .
3 It must be shared , and its final use must be decided at an early planning stage .
4 When a record can not be placed in its home position , it must be stored at an address that can be located quickly .
5 At 99 Bishopsgate , the home of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank , about half of the windows must be replaced at a cost of up to £300,000 .
6 The age of the child on the date of departure must be given at the time of booking and confirmed on the Booking Form .
7 The direction must be given at the time of the refusal .
8 Since no firm of solicitors can ever afford to retain the services of any employee or partner whose conduct tends to reflect ill on the reputation of the practice , and since the circumstances may rarely be so clear cut as to secure withdrawal from the firm by consent , thorough consideration must be given at the outset to the conditions for expelling partners .
9 11.4 In cases of severe disturbance or potential violence , consideration must be given at an early stage to involving the police .
10 It must be done at the time .
11 As before , any shaping must be conducted at the opposite end of the knitting to the carriage .
12 Although the rated pole winding current depends only on the acceptable temperature rise , the corresponding rated phase current also depends 01 , the inter-connection , as shown in Table 1.1 : The rated phase voltage is the voltage which must be applied at the phase terminals to circulate the rated current in the windings .
13 What must be accepted at the very basis of any enquiry is that it is not , as Taylor puts it , " a command , as in conventional search strategy , but rather as a description of an area of doubt in which the question is open-ended , negotiable and dynamic . "
14 Passes counting towards entrance requirements must be obtained at no more than two sittings of examinations .
15 A solar heating system consists of three main components : the solar panel , a feed-and-expansion cistern ( which must be positioned at the highest point of the system ) and the solar cylinder .
16 the respondent 's observations must be received at the Association 's offices within 14 days ; if none is received within this time the Director and honourary officers will have to consider such evidence as is available to them .
17 The accounts , records , etc. of the partnership must be kept at the principal place of business , and be held available for inspection by any of the partners .
18 These records must be kept at the company 's registered office .
19 The " offer of amends " would be a valuable protection for the media in cases of unintentional defamation , were it not encumbered by what the Faulks Committee described as " expensive rigmarole " — a procedure which requires the swearing of a detailed affidavit about how the confusion arose , which must be served at the same time as the offer of amends .
20 C. D. Needham ( 1971 ) gives examples of the filing difficulties that result ; he points out that a decision must be made at every stage — does L 7 file before or after L:7 ?
21 Full payment for the holiday , including insurance premiums , must be made at the time of booking in order to secure the reservation .
22 There is an optional excursion to Abu Simbel , reservations for which must be made at the time of booking your holiday .
23 The disadvantages are that although most auctions allow a viewing period before the bidding starts , you have only a limited amount of time to examine the rugs , and full payment must be made at the end of the auction .
24 Usually a function word or affix can not be substituted , so substitution must be made at the slot with which the function word is more closely related , in this example the object or the verb .
25 Such submissions must be made at the pretrial review or preliminary consideration , or on application under Ord 9 , r 14 where more than £1,000 is claimed .
26 This is an immediate power which must be exercised at the time of the arrest .
27 She must protect her markets , and thus any control lost at the national level must be reimposed at the European level .
28 But it must be recognized at the outset that as soon as sampling is carried out the statements made about the cases involved become probability statements .
29 The message at the press conference — and in the newspapers — was clear : the finger of suspicion must be pointed at the vegan diet offered at Bristol .
30 He said Mr Brooke had nothing to offer the people of Northern Ireland and he told the House : ‘ There must be condemnation of those who fail to take on the IRA and the finger must be pointed at the Secretary of State and those behind him .
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