Example sentences of "must [be] [verb] that [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It must be realised that fractals are hierarchies with the particular property that the successive levels are geometrically similar ( either exactly or on the average ) .
2 The official receiver as convener of the meeting can require the bankrupt to attend the meeting ( r 6.84 ) and so it must be presumed that matters regarding the bankrupt 's activities can be raised by either the official receiver or those present .
3 Inasmuch as the parables provide us with some indication of how Jesus saw the world , it must be said that women would appear .
4 Furthermore , most migrants defined themselves as English speakers : it must be said that Jamaicans consider themselves speakers of English , and are offended when ignorant English people inquire what their mother tongue might be .
5 Moreover , to compete successfully against Microsoft Corp 's NT , users must be assured that applications will run under one version of Unix just as easily as another .
6 It must be emphasized that relatives remoter than parents , or brothers or sisters of the whole blood , and children of such brothers and sisters deceased , can succeed to no part whatever of the estate , if there is a surviving spouse .
7 In the end , it must be accepted that exports are produced through the co-operation , to a greater or lesser extent , of every enterprise in the economy .
8 It must be accepted that standards set are real , attainable and to be attained .
9 Yet it must be confessed that obscurities persist at the centre of this vision of the law .
10 Rather , it is that if we want the benefits of efficient wealth creation it must be acknowledged that companies will inevitably possess power .
11 In so far as there is this domination , it must be acknowledged that men have been aided in their domination of women by women themselves — sometimes older women , whose own conditioning has matured in conformity with that of men .
12 The attraction for the bees may be conditioned or due to ‘ taste ’ but it must be noted that nectars contain things besides sugars , particularly lipids , amino acids and proteins as well as alkaloids , non-protein amino acids and phenols .
13 The matters directly relevant to futures include the following : ( 1 ) Fluctuations in value : A statement must be made that prices or values may fall or rise against the investor 's interest .
14 Given that the ideal of the companionate marriage had existed before the eighteenth century , it must be recognized that women 's position within marriage was inferior to that of men .
15 With something like 50,000 square feet of bookselling space in the inner city , the retailers must be hoping that Glaswegians will learn to buy in piles .
16 In conclusion , despite all that has been said , it must be emphasised that attitudes are as much affected by reality as affecting reality .
17 It must be emphasised that tics , the essential feature of Tourette 's syndrome , are ‘ involuntary , sudden , rapid , recurrent , nonrhythmic , stereotyped , motor movements or vocalizations ’ which , though experienced as irresistible , can be suppressed for varying lengths of time .
18 It must be recognised that knives are a common feature of everyday life and that , in the wrong hands , almost any bladed or sharply pointed article is potentially a lethal weapon .
19 It must be admitted that concepts referring to unseen processes tend to acquire additional meanings that are not suggested by the evidence they are intended to explain ( see MacCorquodale & Meehl , 1948 ) .
20 It must be remembered that letters of the alphabet in both Hebrew ( at least after the exile ) and Greek served also as numerals .
21 With both visual estimation and point counting techniques it must be remembered that values are being computed from the two dimensions of the thin section into the three dimensions of a sediment for modal composition .
22 There is at least one instance of an aedile of a pagus , although we might suspect that the praefectus pagi of the Gallic Epotes lies outside the normal run of local government officials , though it must be remembered that magistrates could appoint prefects to act for them in their absence .
23 It must be remembered that bicycles in Father 's day were very different from the modern machine ; no free wheel , for instance .
24 ( c ) It must be remembered that conventions have differing degrees of force and ultimately that force may be dependent on the extent to which the convention is perceived as being politically necessary at any given time and the extent to which it can be seen to reflect current political values .
25 It must be remembered that districts have not really given an ‘ in depth ’ consideration to the respective functional briefs [ for proposed reprovision projects ] .
26 It must be remembered that computers are usually accurate to only six or seven decimal figures ( whereas the average desk calculator can work to ten- or eleven-place accuracy ) .
27 No matter what type of filter plates is employed , it must be remembered that cichlids love to dig and should they remove the gravel down to the plate then , in effect , the filter ceases to function properly .
28 It must be remembered that children are termed ‘ severely ’ handicapped if they have an IQ below 50 .
29 Finally , it must be stressed that increases or changes in the rate of work should only be carried out once a person has attained a high standard of physical fitness .
30 In fact it must be considered that predators kill and eat other predators ( Mikkola , 1976 ) .
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