Example sentences of "must [verb] as [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 2 The student , duly corrected , now punches to the sternum , aware that his rear hand must act as a guard against a counter-attack .
2 However , during that poor run which ultimately cost them the title , they were knocked out of the FA Cup by lowly Wrexham , and that must act as a warning in neon lights for their trip to non-League Yeovil .
3 His mind must act as a filter .
4 ‘ Then his son-in-law must act as a son and care for the land that 'll one day be his . ’
5 the failure of the Court of Appeal to relist in order to dispose of B 's remaining arguments about his trial ( and , if necessary , to certify matters for appeal to the House of Lords , including the reach of the Gallagher jurisdiction ) is both a substantive failure of the legal system to provide B with a fair criminal trial and a demonstration that there are no further remedies to raise the issue available to B within the English legal system that he must pursue as a precondition for the admissibility of any claim under the European Convention .
6 Hence Jacques Derrida 's influential concept of ‘ différance ’ ( translated in English as at once difference and deferral ) , a concept enabling us to ‘ reconsider all the pairs of opposites on which philosophy is constructed and on which our discourse lives , not in order to see opposition erase itself but to see what indicates that each of the terms must appear as the différance of the other , as the other different and deferred in the economy of the same ’ .
7 Councillors should be in no doubt that they and the officers of the local authority must work as a team .
8 The problem has been yet further exacerbated in the modern age as compared with the patristic period by what one must see as the demise of the doctrine of the trinity and its replacement by a tritheism .
9 In reality , deterrent operations might last for weeks or even months , but the AMF(L) must exercise as a fighting force if it is to prove its worth .
10 These define the professional standards which members must maintain as a condition of membership .
11 R000231220 will argue the case for this new theory of grammar using ordinary language data , specifying the form a grammar must take as an input system .
12 I am immensely relieved — she had a terrible anxiety feeling , and the move might have killed her altogether , and must have as a writer , I think .
13 If training is to meet the demands of the market place then training and training provision must change as the demand changes .
14 DOUG Blewitt must rank as a contender for the most unsung hero of North-East business .
15 Her appearance in Liverpool was a singular coup for the Festival of Comedy and must rank as the premiere attraction .
16 Pollock must rank as the North-East 's discovery of the season following his astonishing rise from junior football .
17 ‘ I know it must come as a shock to you .
18 Secondly , any changes that come to the primary schools must come as a result of changes at the secondary level .
19 And whether he were not in this dilemma ; that either his estate might enure for life , at his option ; and then according to Lord Coke such an estate would , in legal contemplation , be an estate for life ; which could not be created by parol : or if not for life , being for no assignable period , it must operate as a tenancy from year to year ; in which case it would be inconsistent with , and repugnant to the nature of such an estate , that it should not be determinable at the pleasure of either party giving the regular notice .
20 ‘ When club football is put first to the extent of having two mini sections to find the European Cup finalists , it is obvious that national sides must suffer as a result of the extra matches , ’ said Vogts .
21 That is the deal it must accept as a condition of a £3 million grant from the Sports Council .
22 This is the moment which humankind must accept as the beginning of all things as far as human life is concerned .
23 They had declared at his accession , they had repeated often since , that they desired him to reign upon the selfsame terms as his predecessors ; and yet they made him aware , whenever it was needful to ask for a grant of money , that in fact he stood upon ground subtly changed , and must ask as a favour what had been Richard 's unquestioned right .
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