Example sentences of "back on [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even so it was just great to get back on a road race bike again in February .
2 The legendary TV show 's back on a Saturday night , albeit minus the inimitable Jimmy Hill .
3 The card was borne back on a silver tray .
4 THE Tories have fallen back on a quack cure for the economic ills they are forcing upon our country — even higher prescription charges .
5 The next few years were difficult for them all , but when Eb came home , gassed and disabled , he had done his best to put the shop back on a business footing — going in every day to work behind the counter , keeping the books , and not letting customers run up bills they could n't pay .
6 The shoes were back on the desk top .
7 THE WONDER STUFF are back on the vinyl trail with their first single for more than a year .
8 Back on the country roads there was more time to play with the switches , and wonder how we might stop the heated seats giving us sticky shirts ( no luck , though Swedish efficiency doubtless means that this was our fault ) .
9 ‘ You could never have imagined the club would be where they are now when you look back on the liquidation crisis , ’ he said .
10 Their goals switched the spotlight back on the Ipswich title challenge as they moved to within seven points of their rivals and had their odds halved from 50-1 to 25-1 .
11 The Liberal Ramsey thought that Churchill was totally wrong to put Britain back on the gold standard ; that he was illiberal over miners in the General Strike ; that he was very mistaken in resisting the advance of India to independence .
12 Candidates include : the inability or unwillingness of the Federal Reserve to stem the banking panic and maintain the money supply ; the failure to use fiscal policy intelligently ( up to and including Franklin Roosevelt 's New Deal after 1933 ) ; the uses and abuses of the gold standard ( Britain deciding to go back on the gold standard in 1925 at the pre-1914 parity , then deciding to come off the standard altogether in 1931 ; the refusal of many countries , especially America , to follow gold-standard rules ) ; the outbreak of trade war sparked by America 's Smoot-Hawley tariffs in 1930 ; and so on .
13 Racing : Playschool back on the Gold Cup trail .
14 Racing : Playschool back on the Gold Cup trail .
15 looked at some trains and then went back on the D M U.
16 Anne knew she was back on the Nightmare Express .
17 Now that I am back on the England scene , my cash flow has picked up again but , at the age of 40 , I know there 's a time limit left on my playing career .
18 ‘ Yes , the pressure on me has increased since Stuart decided to come back on the England scene , but this is not the first time he has squeezed the position and I accept that challenge from a top-class player . ’
19 ‘ Yes , the pressure on me has increased since Stuart decided to come back on the England scene but this is not the first time he has squeezed the position and I accept that challenge from a top-class player . ’
20 It is perhaps ironic that Neal — so critical of the selections of Revie and Robson — arrives back on the England scene at a time when Taylor is coming in for internal FA criticism for picking too many players .
21 Now he 's hoping to be back on the golf course soon and singing again by the end of the year .
22 ‘ It has put me back on the golf course , ’ he said .
23 At Buzzard Crag in Glen Nevis , and accompanied by Duncan McCallum and Johnny May ( good to see these boys back on the adventure trail ) , Rab climbed Virtual Reality , E5 6b left of Liminality .
24 Putting the envelope back on the hall table she went out to the shed for her bike .
25 But the way in which the very limits of its historical materialism ( which I take to be the most developed statement of the case available in English ) put back on the agenda questions one had considered closed .
26 Liliane Landor reports on an issue that has shaken the foundations of French politics and put the question of immigration firmly back on the agenda A country divided .
27 Anneka Patel , of Cypriana Holidays , said yesterday : ‘ He will be back on the cruise ship tonight and arriving back into Cyprus tomorrow morning to continue his holiday .
28 PETER REID starts his first match in six months at Wimbledon tonight bidding to force Manchester City back on the championship trail .
29 Oliver hung the clock back on the kitchen wall .
30 Now the Newry boys are back on the Hogan Cup trail preparing to face to St Pats , Navan in next months semi-final , but without four of their MacRory Cup winning side , Charlie Pat McCartan , Declan Toner , Michael McVerry and Tony Fearon .
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