Example sentences of "back for [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THE death of a father-of-four , mown down as he cycled home from the shops , has brought tragic memories flooding back for a young mother .
2 Daisy had been back for a long time ; she looked white and pinched .
3 Held back for a long time by wild hitting , she has accepted in the last 12 months that there are occasions when she must suppress the urge to attack everything flat out .
4 So Eddie knows the real Delia Forbes has gone away and wo n't be back for a long time … but so what ? ’
5 so I thought you were going to cos you did n't come back for a long time .
6 One admires the results as one might standing back for a painted landscape , yet I miss the sensation of really ‘ being there ’ .
7 The path follows the road out of Port Isaac and at the top it 's worth glancing back for a final look at this fascinating place .
8 There was no time to raise it and draw back for a stabbing blow .
9 They all just came back for a regular routine follow up , just a little bit late .
10 The bond which had drawn them so close before Angel 's birth was strong and sometimes Sarah longed to be back for a brief time in that dilapidated house in Stone Alley , free of the sanctimonious atmosphere of the rectory , until she remembered Maggie was n't there any more either .
11 If the complaint turns out to be more serious or if agreement can not be reached on a resolution , it must be referred back for a full investigation .
12 Had they been set free any nearer they would almost certainly have found their way back for a free meal of milk and green bananas at the orang-utans ' tea party .
13 Well really when I had the same thing , you know , and goes back for a little bit this morning and er same sort of thing .
14 Gladys wo n't ever come back for a little girl will it ?
15 They said they 'd be back for a merry night , whatever that might mean . ’
16 I 'll get this train stopped and we 'll go back for the lost car .
17 Not going to pay me back for the bloody nose , even if you did nearly knock my head off ? ’
18 However , when music is written for a specific text , the maximum musical climax must be kept back for the decisive point in the words .
19 ‘ I guess you 'll be getting back for the Soviet visit , now . ’
20 He decided it would take less time to break the copyguards than to go back for the correct disc .
21 Come back for the new herons ?
22 Crowther , 59 , hopes to be back for the new series next year , but wo n't be well enough for the show on January 2 .
23 ‘ Probably not , though I 'll be back for the following weekend .
24 In a moment , the monster rose , lurching slightly , and started to head back for the dark tower .
25 ‘ Mill crushed Hammer with a three-goal blitz midway through the second half , and their was no way back for the gallant losers .
26 I hesitated , then went back for the indigo wrap .
27 ‘ An alternative theory is that the killer knocked him out first , then went into the washroom to strip and came back for the final throat-cutting before Berowne had a chance to come round .
28 That will earn him his RIBA Part I. But then , he has to get a year 's relevant experience in practice before coming back for the final year of his course .
29 But there was no going back for the impoverished Miss Theodosia Kyte .
30 India certainly got its own back for the British Raj by imposing this horrific version of the bungalow upon us .
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