Example sentences of "back the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 But I do see the project quality plan being extremely valuable because you will be feeding back the front part of the quality plan to the client and explaining the extras that you 're going to do , or the constraints within which you 're working .
2 Unable to sleep he had drawn back the front flaps of his hut to watch the spectacular storm and had been startled to see her dashing across the flooded clearing in the glare of the lightning flashes .
3 Yet , even as she squealed , she pushed back the tormented cheeks of her arse on to him .
4 The force of repression is like a great dam that holds back the raging torrents of the instincts of the unconscious and allows er some of them through , but others break through in holes , and holes and cracks appear which are the unconscious returning as one
5 Repeated attempts to cut back the global total of public spending have placed an increased emphasis on control of public spending .
6 Prince Tyrion is the Elf general who turned back the great Incursion of Chaos two hundred years ago .
7 They walked out to his car together in a contented silence , and when they got there he came round to the passenger side to hold back the low tendrils of an overhanging jasmine vine so she could slide easily into the seat .
8 It was now light , the lamps on the gangway giving murky yellow pools that barely pushed back the inky blackness of a starless night .
9 You 've got to lift the whole lot off the wall and unthread the curtains and put back the right number of rings and hooks and it 's a palaver and I have n't done it .
10 It brought back the long months of bitterness and loneliness she had suffered , shut away on her father 's estate .
11 The famous passage about the madeleine , the little cake whose associations call back the forgotten scenes of the narrator 's childhood , would have caused the Hartleian in Wordsworth to applaud .
12 He touched her face gently , his thumb brushing her cheek , his fingers lightly smoothing back the straying tendrils of her hair .
13 Japan was a country which had achieved ‘ modernization ’ , which could offer a model to other industrializing nations ; the militarism and aggression of the 1930s was an aberration , explicable largely in political terms , the ability of a small group to turn back the liberal trends of the twenties .
14 Without actually giving her the details — and still keeping back the crucial fact of Christine 's death , which would have changed the tone of their conversations completely — Lucy had been able to give Josie some idea of her home situation and of the problems that she 'd caused with actions that she 'd felt to be right .
15 John Anderson , principal hydrologist with the Tay River Purification Board , is emphatic that any attempt to hold back the irresistible force of the Tay is doomed to failure .
16 Conservative Ministers were , then , no more able than Gaitskell to hold back the rising tide of demand for electricity , which , if the system were not to break down and new connections to be refused , the Boards had to follow up with new investment .
17 They were in the bedroom and he was tucking her in under the quilt , stroking her forehead , pushing back the damp strands of blonde hair where her tears had soaked them .
18 ANDY pulled back the spring-loaded handle of the machine and released it with a thump .
19 You can get back the gross amount of SMP you have paid out , plus an additional amount ( 4.5% of the total gross SMP from 6th April 1991 ) as compensation for the NI contributions you have paid on SMP .
20 That , too , she managed to turn into a joke , while keeping back the unwelcome sighting of Robert .
21 In the intervening time , he would become a changed man , as would many who set out with such high hopes to win back the holy earth of Outremer .
22 Just as the early European explorers of the North Atlantic would bring back the tusks of narwhals and pass them off as the horns of unicorns , so would the early Arabian and Indian sailors bring back the massive bones of the Cassowary as evidence of the giant " roc " of the Sinbad sagas , or the Garuda bird of Hindu mythology , which is today the symbol of Indonesia 's national airline .
23 Wayne seemed frozen in mid-action as she quickly threw back the top sheet of the bed and climbed in ; but then he recovered , and started an awkward fight to get his shoes off without actually untying their laces .
24 After consultations with other Western governments the United States adminstration on April 24 drew back from any punitive measures against the Soviet Union over its blockade of Lithuania ( officials having previously hinted at possible limited economic sanctions ) , when President Bush gave a clear indication at a press conference that the administration considered Gorbachev 's political survival and good Soviet-US relations to be more important than Lithuanian independence , explaining : " I am concerned that we do not inadvertently compel the Soviet Union to do something that would set back the whole process of freedom around the world . "
25 Even in the earlier period , however , it was difficult to hold back the commercial urges of line managers , though some marketing effort was initially canalised into the job of discouraging the sale of electric fires or persuading people to go carefully in the use of electricity at peak times .
26 None of these measures will , of course , bring back the halcyon days of German science , or the immense amount of scientific talent lost to Germany — and usually to Europe — in the days of the Third Reich .
27 It will set back the public status of abduction research for years , ’ Mike Wooton , the editor of the UFO Times concluded solemnly at the post-show party .
28 By contrast Marx and Engels saw the proletariat 's mission as breaking down the restrictions of capitalism which held back the full development of technology ; and they rejected as utopian any form of transition to socialism which was not brought about by a genuine ( and almost certainly violent ) social revolution .
29 During a visit to Korea , he laid a wreath at a memorial to the men who held back the full might of the Chinese army at the battle of Imjin River .
30 This means restraint in public spending and holding back the natural enthusiasm of a clutch of new ministers to open the purse strings .
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