Example sentences of "back [prep] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Rutherford said that he would give him a 20-minute start , then drive back through the village and collect him .
2 We walk back through the park and disperse : tonight they 're going to a party , it 's Paul from The Soup Dragons ’ birthday .
3 Holding a length of silk in its beak , it then pierces a hole in the leaf and pushes the silk through it , tying a little knot in the end to prevent the thread from slipping back through the hole and then doing the same thing on the other side so that the two leaf surfaces are secured to one another .
4 Walk back through the square and past the Church of Our Lady Under the Chain to Míšeňská Street .
5 She came back through the kitchen and gave him the torch .
6 She held up her hand to him to say , " Wait while I see if it 's safe , " and darted back through the kitchen and into the house , listening in the big hall where suits of dull metal armour stood mutely by the heavy oak doors .
7 She ran back through the kitchen and down the steps into the lower scullery , but when she came out by the back door and looked across to the wall , Tristram was not be seen .
8 They walked back through the kitchen and down the hallway to the front entrance of the house .
9 Over the long centuries a series of massive offensives rolled them back through the Shadowlands and eventually culminated in the storming of Anlec .
10 Theseus made his way back through the labyrinth and out into the fresh night air where Ariadne was waiting for him Now they had to rescue the Athenians and make their escape .
11 And back through the past and into the future
12 Moving with the sureness of a cat on the prowl , he flitted back through the hold and outside .
13 They went back through the dining-room and lobby to a small office where Mrs Foster , who was far more elderly than Charity would have imagined , invited them in .
14 They bumped into him as they went back through the wire and held a whispered council of war .
15 If you put down the example I I actually marked the example but then I realized going back through the book that obviously the example was given for you there anyway .
16 ‘ We can go back through the Wolfwood and hope that we reach our original road again , ’ he said .
17 Then she went back through the flat and collected the vases .
18 Then ignore the card you are fingering , leaf back through the pack and turn over the correct card .
19 ‘ I think it 's all right , ’ responded Floy , warily , but even as he spoke he was wondering whether it was all right , and whether they might n't be better simply to walk back through the forest and on to the road .
20 Right , we 'll go up this way , through the promena along the promenade , and then we 'll go back through the town and it 'll be time to get the others from school by then .
21 She looked in the garden again and then went back through the house and out on to the road .
22 ‘ Obviously , as a Liverpool fan , you have to be worried but I 'm perfectly hopeful that we 'll get through this and come back as the force that we always have been . ’
23 Currency markets followed the trend , with the dollar opening sharply higher , only to drift back during the afternoon and close just under half a pfennig up at Dm1.6370 .
24 Rhodium sales slipped back during the year as car companies utilised strategic stocks rather than purchase new metal .
25 Her mother identified it as a wayfaring tree and she 'd been cutting it back during the summer and it did n't seem to mind but she 'd be very grateful for any information about the wayfaring tree which presumably she 'd like to keep and continue to grow in her garden .
26 Hitch jumped back aboard The Abbott and slapped Morton on the shoulder .
27 We 're just taking a bag , we 'll come back for the rest when the wind 's gone down . "
28 And they 're not coming back for their education ; they 're coming back for the support that Arbour gives them , so they may spend more time with Monica in the nursery looking after the baby and gradually they 'll move back into the classroom in their own time and get back to their exams .
29 Hilary Robarts said impatiently : ‘ But the body , when you first went back for the torch and saw her , you were certain she was dead ? ’
30 ‘ Of course , ’ he breathed and , turning round , went back past the chapel and down to the lakeside .
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