Example sentences of "back [prep] the house [coord] " in BNC.

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1 She looked in the garden again and then went back through the house and out on to the road .
2 We took a step back towards the house and the ground shook again , strongly .
3 The levels have been carefully graded back towards the house and there is room here for the rotary washing line .
4 She was taken back into the house and made to fill a bath and to get into it .
5 With a polite smile , Victoria went back into the house and shut the door .
6 After the children were driven away , Mrs B was taken back into the house and told the police had a warrant to search it .
7 She went back into the house and locked the door behind her .
8 Alice went back into the house and upstairs to the Headmaster 's Study .
9 She went back into the house and I waited outside for a while enjoying the cool breeze .
10 We went back into the house and I put the kettle on for our customary cup of coffee .
11 Then Stapleton locked the door , and went back into the house and into the dining room .
12 He led me back into the house and up to Southgate 's chamber .
13 Sophia went back into the house and came out again with a bowl of washing , from which she shook out a large Union Jack .
14 She went back into the house and slammed the door .
15 I went back into the house and , when I was sure no adults had sneaked back in to spy on me , I went upstairs to my bedroom and started to pack .
16 Juliet went back into the house and fetched her purse .
17 I wonder , is he trying to get her back into the house and she does n't wan na come back .
18 The maid would have to be dismissed of course … the girl had brazenly admitted allowing Patrick back into the house , and Katherine was n't sure which annoyed her more — the fact that the boy had managed to creep back into the house or the fact that he had been alone in the girl 's bedroom .
19 Stand back from the house and observe the roof and gutters through binoculars .
20 ‘ You 'd better come back in the house and dry your shoes and socks , ’ said Betty .
21 Course I immediately darted back in the house and told me dad and well , and er he says er , you can look out for some trouble then now like , you know and er , nothing happened .
22 bother I 've ever had with him , and he goes on to it and away he goes and he 'll come back in the house and he 'll go up the stairs to the computer , and that 's his life .
23 ‘ I thought they 'd gone off my land and started driving back to the house but then suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back .
24 The fifty one year old tried to crawl back to the house but collapsed .
25 Margot is always splendid on these occasions ; she took me back to the house and covered me with ice and raw beef : but in spite of all I am a most revolting sight today and shall be for a week or more — lame in one leg , blind in one eye , and with a nose like Cyrano …
26 Marie can come back to the house and bring her baby and we can carry on like before with me sleeping on the floor and that .
27 Keith nodded and darted back to the house and Jinny walked on down the path , trying to ignore Rachel , who was in the doorway .
28 Once he actually fainted in the mud and had to be carried back to the house and revived with cold water .
29 ‘ I could go back to the house and look for it , ’ he offered in desperation .
30 They ran back to the house and Endill waited at the front door while his mother went to see who or what it was .
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