Example sentences of "back [prep] [art] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , if you take the back off a watch you wo n't find 15 individual flip-flops inside .
2 If they were to escape back through the trench they would have to move quickly ; any moment now the sepoys would have crossed the yard from the hospital and outflanked them .
3 As they walked back through the hotel he remarked casually , ‘ I said I 'd meet Jack on the terrace for a drink . ’
4 Walking back through the jungle I thankfully did n't come across any trap-door spiders but as dusk fell I was entranced by a cluster of trees which were suddenly lit up like Christmas trees by the thousands of glow-worms out for a night of passion .
5 English tourists might like to be reminded that the ghastly visitor centres , the scant toilet facilities and the gruesome catering in the West Highlands of Scotland are there to get you back for the fact you won .
6 He is asking us to remember that the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done , by someone who is a better judge , someone more in possession of all the facts .
7 I had given up a good job to go there and when I came back after the adventure I had looked forward to for so long , I was very disappointed with myself .
8 And er so when I came back after the War he says er , I object to him starting , he 's not come f direct from conscription , he volunteered for the Army .
9 Thirty seconds later , he had the whole U-rod assembly unbolted from the car and stepped back out the way he 'd come in .
10 I 'd rather die than go back out the way I was .
11 A branch of the great plane tree had come down in the wind and as he ran back towards the Cages he saw that it had fallen right across the path where moments before he had been standing .
12 " Okay it 's the cops , " said the lady finally , and strode back towards the house I was thrashing and clawing but with Agnes still slumped on my middle and the whisky bottle and everything I could n't seem to writhe my way upright .
13 Halfway back towards the car I see someone standing there .
14 Upon turning back towards the track I felt strangely relieved to see that the car was still there . ’
15 Liverpool enjoyed almost total domination but faced with a team who pulled all 11 players back behind the ball they had to wait until the 38th minute before adding their second .
16 Sighing , he came to a halt and leaned back against the hedge they were passing .
17 She climbed into bed , leaning back against the pillows he 'd stacked so expertly .
18 Can I mention er that I 'm very disappointed that C P O's are n't coming back under the fold I understand the arguments for and against , but when you look at erm the knowledge that two of our new recruits have got , in relation , one in relation to fraud and one in relation to terrorism , it seems ironical that they 're divisional staff and ca n't go round the force giving their expertise force-wide rather than just on er a basic divisional
19 Thus the bulk of Rennenkampf 's army , streaming back along the route they had earlier taken westward , contrived to escape .
20 With a screech of brakes , and a squeal of wheels , Bodie reversed into a parking space and shot back along the route he had just taken .
21 Piphros nervously kept a watchful eye back along the way they had come .
22 Instead of retracing his steps back along the tunnel he walked forwards .
23 Looking back along the road he frowned .
24 She could only have driven about a mile , she estimated , but as she trudged back along the road it seemed like a marathon trek .
25 As I made my way back along the road I noticed that the ditches on both sides of the road contained dead British and German soldiers .
26 Thirty yards back along the street they sit in a murky Cavalier .
27 As she went back along the landing she paused , frowning .
28 Again my mind wandered from my polishing and back onto the job I would be doing in a few hours .
29 She remembered Con coming back with a doctor she had never seen before .
30 When Bill comes back with the pot they change the subject .
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