Example sentences of "down [conj] [vb past] to the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I sat down and said to the doctor ‘ So I have cancer ’ and he said ‘ Yes ’ .
2 She placed the receiver down and reached to the table top , picking up the silenced gun and holding it gently in both hands .
3 There was a car waiting , but because of the fog they abandoned the idea of driving down and went to the railway station , caught a train with minutes to spare , picked up the car that was waiting for them the other end , rang the studio from the car phone to let them know where they were , and ran into London Weekend Television .
4 Resignedly he put his quill down and went to the bedroom .
5 Adam put the phone down and went to the front door .
6 There was no butter around so I jumped down and went to the living room .
7 A sudden sharp ring at the doorbell made Shelley 's decision for her , as they sprang apart , and she smoothed her uniform down and went to the reception desk to see who wanted her .
8 But still the urge to express her feelings tormented her and at last , in defiance of that dislike she had felt on their last meeting , she sat down and wrote to the person to whom she had once been most close , to Mrs Browning .
9 As the policeman stepped down and walked to the rear of the lorry Billy turned to Freddie and shook his head slowly .
10 He crouched down and clung to the rail with his right hand and reached out with his left as if to punch a hole through the wall .
11 I dropped down and crawled to the front of the wood to have a look .
12 Osborne broke down and confessed to the killing when a picture of the curtains in which Dean 's body was wrapped was flashed on TV .
13 Tam , who had been sleeping on the bed , woke suddenly , scratched himself , jumped down and marched to the door , where he stood , whining imperiously .
14 Ranulf squatted down and pointed to the small indentation of a boot .
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