Example sentences of "down [prep] the [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 By then it was blowing a full gale from the west , the wind slamming down off the mountains with katabatic blasts that hammered the luminous white of the water with such fury that it splayed out like shot , a reminder that the heights west of the port were almost six hundred metres high , the first ski-run only eight kilometres away by car .
2 Winter cereals are slow to establish , and must be sown earlier : this is apparently because there is a tendency for stubble or killed turf to be pushed down into the slits with the seed where it can create anaerobic conditions leading to the formation of toxic substances such as acetic acid .
3 I 'd hunch down under the covers with just an air-hole to breath through , and shelter there .
4 Some of the older blokes , they come out , and they started fighting as well ! ( laughter ) One bloke come down from the flats with just a pair of trousers and a vest on and he started having a go !
5 ‘ Now that I 've left the army , I 'll soon be down in the fields with you again , ’ said Troy lightly .
6 She suspects that she may get rather more exposure to outpatient clinics and theatre sessions than her medical colleagues because they get bogged down on the wards with tasks that she is not allowed to do .
7 He brought his talons and beak down on the bars with such force that the very Cages themselves shook with the power of it .
8 Instead she took the money from her mother and walked sedately down to the shops with Carla , playing with her and making her laugh .
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