Example sentences of "down [prep] [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Marble can be sawn or broken up for building or burned for lime , and a great deal has certainly gone that way ; but the melting down of bronze for conversion to tools , utensils , armour , coin , is far more tempting .
2 Sometimes you get signs and portents which the quacks ca n't fathom , but which go down like markers for middle-age .
3 ‘ Julia , I hope that you will let me take you down into Florence for dinner tonight ; if we went early , we could stroll a little first and look at one or two of the best exteriors . ’
4 Series were deemed to be longer plays , broken down into episodes for convenience of presentation .
5 Mr Roberts said Manweb would seek to keep its own costs down in preparation for VAT .
6 Inside the ark were the tablets of the law — the supreme verbal statement of God 's holiness ( 26:16 ) ; at one and the same time the reason why God dwelt alone ( for none can match his holiness ) , and why by means of blood a sinner might enter his presence ( for the blood speaks of life laid down in payment for sin ) .
7 a pre-printed sheet of dots , lines or patterns that can be laid down on artwork for reproduction .
8 I was less impressed by a news story in the Sunday Times announcing that the Pope is cracking down on sinners for Easter week : ‘ The Pope has ordered priests in the confessional box to clamp down on sin as churches prepare for the traditional Easter rush of sinners seeking forgiveness this week , ’ it announced knowingly .
9 During Prince Sihanouk 's rule , he and the Phnom Penh aristocracy would drive down to Kep for weekend parties and gambling in the casino .
10 On the last occasion he had seen his mother , which was when he came down to Plumford for lunch at Easter , he had thought that to all outward appearances she was exactly the same as she had always been .
11 Slightly irritated he thinks that there is something wrong with the lock and goes down to reception for assistance .
12 Then lie suggested that they might get Arthur Pugh , the moderate leader of the steelworkers who was that year 's chairman of the TUC , to come down to Chequers for tea and an exploratory talk .
13 Clinic 's opening postponed … charity backs down over centre for sex offenders .
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