Example sentences of "down [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Always analyse how you could have improved your approach and landing and why you did not manage to touch down nearer to the spot .
2 But when I got back to work the people that was in the observation post on the factory , they saw this aircraft , it came down low over the King George 's playing fields and they could see the markings on it and they 'd sounded the alarm but but course the aircraft went straight over .
3 A creditors ' voluntary liquidation usually happens because a company has to close down due to the fact that it ca n't pay its debts .
4 When I was there last year it cost only £12 : the rate had gone down due to the Gulf war and the fear of AIDS .
5 Most of them used local girls , but I decided to go to the famous state-run Eros Centre in Hamburg , which I 've since heard has been closed down due to the AIDS scare .
6 Everyone in the crowd was bowing back , and the waves of motion proceeded down each of the streets like ripples out across a pool .
7 Air now passes down this to the mouth of the fish which is connected to tiny openings in the parchment cocoon .
8 And Sid had said , ‘ If I had the time I could write down some of the things I 've seen that you would n't believe . ’
9 Now even this annoyed her , the way her father toned down some of the roughness of his idiom , her mother increased the Holywood Hampstead in her voice .
10 Mrs Bottomley 's announcement confirmed reports that she had opted to water down some of the Tomlinson proposals , but it still came under almost immediate attack from Labour and the unions .
11 Determined to delve deeper into the matter , the DFG , one of the major channels for state funds for research which distributes DM 900 million ( £200 million ) annually for all subjects , has asked some of Germany 's top researchers to review their own areas and try to pin down some of the problems .
12 These associated activities , together with the relative accessibility of this type of abstract work , can only help to break down some of the problems which non-figurative art poses for many spectators .
13 And maybe we should take down some of the torches . ’
14 These administrative arrangements broke down some of the barriers in co-ordinating services , but grassroots co-operation has not appeared to be necessarily easier than elsewhere in Great Britain .
15 In particular , this will show whether greater proximity has broken down some of the barriers which have traditionally existed between the two groups or , as some theorists have suggested , has led to a re-definition of their differences .
16 ‘ We had a gale last night , and it brought down some of the tiles on your cottage .
17 Fortunately , in this series of articles we will use more conventional maps to set us on the treasure trail , because it is my belief that correctly interpreted , the Ordnance Survey maps of the British Isles already contain most of the information necessary to track down some of the treasures that time has so cunningly concealed !
18 If you start writing down some of the responses to that question , you will find you have along the way acquired a ragbag of elements that will have an important bearing on the design .
19 You know your workbooks that you 've got , he 's actually asking you a few questions relating to the statistics that er , Dr. Bernard 's going to mention , so can I ask you to get your workbooks and a pen , just so that you can jot down some of the information .
20 You know , i i it is a very fine line between er how we talk to our customers , which is why I , I , I ca n't stress enough the need for the project coordinators to talk face to face with the customer first of all , and perhaps gently lead him down some of the items in this list that the project coordinator thinks the client might not have remembered .
21 Yolland thought that the only action needed was to cut down some of the trees in a young plantation in order to give people riding or driving on the turnpike a good view of an advancing train in the cutting .
22 Well you , you can actually cut down some of the overtime maybe , and you need to review that and that 's , you need to make that decision .
23 She could see waterfalls cascading down some of the mountain-sides and in the distance a lake .
24 Kit Everard had calculated that the Rebecca made a sitting target ; she would draw the enemy and pin down some of the fighting men , on both sides .
25 This might also help break down some of the misconceptions that can grow up between organisations .
26 For some reason it seemed to kick down some of the barrier of strangeness between them .
27 Laughter seemed to break down some of the barrier of embarrassment that had built up between them and when Carrie lit two candles she handed one to Seb and said , ‘ Good night , Seb .
28 Widnes , who had won the official version in thrilling style against Canberra Raiders before more than 30,000 fans at Old Trafford four days earlier , went down 31-6 to the Eagles , a team formed only five years ago and without a permanent home .
29 The FT-SE 100-Share Index had plunged 41 points by late afternoon , before staging a slight recovery to close down 36.2 on the day at 2,863.9 .
30 From the first he closely identified himself with the city , its people , and their aspirations in ways which helped to break down many of the prejudices of his people and their Presbyterian neighbours .
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