Example sentences of "on [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Caspar took no notice of him and carried on through the wood towards the field .
2 The Oxford-educated daughter of a Norfolk farmer , she began her career as a local authority education officer and inspector of schools , married a headmaster she met on site — he is now an education administrator — moved on through the ranks of Norfolk County Council and chaired Norwich Health Authority .
3 It continues on through the pages of Scripture to the very last words of the book of Revelation .
4 It is carried on through the medium of lullabies .
5 This continuity is now being carried on through the firm of Baker Bros .
6 Goods would be unloaded at Lindau , taken across the Bodensee to Rorschach , and from there go on through the passes to the south , to Milan or on to Venice for further shipment .
7 She saw them in the sky , just a small group of them , but they brought death , she knew that , as they flew steadily on through the calm of the summer morning .
8 At Newlands , the way in which Australia compensated judiciously , changing the plays , ploughing on through the mud with high kicks , by forcing the lineout , by their discipline and tactics around the fringes , was an object lesson .
9 The motorspeeder journeyed on through the plains of Sakkrat .
10 She walked on through the rain without stopping , and the young police officers walked beside her .
11 The book by the man who had repudiated Greek wisdom lived on through the centuries in the Greek version made by his grandson — an émigré to Egypt in 132 B.C.
12 The hard core of helpers worked on through the week of almost continuous sunshine and good fortune , and were supported by the essential ‘ reliefs ’ who came whenever they could to sell and to carry .
13 now he passed that on , that had , sort of knowledge on through the people in the shop okay , if you , soon as that link gets broken and you go into a shop something like erm Burtons okay , big retail shop like Burtons , you go in there you 'll have a manager in there and assistants and so on , but their background knowledge has nothing to do with tailoring , nothing at all
14 They worked on through the files for the rest of the morning , a routine they had been through so often that they commented mostly in half-sentences or barely audible grunts .
15 You continue on through the meadows of Cock marsh — a Site of Special Scientific Interest — to the banks of the Thames .
16 They were stopped at a sentry post to have passes checked and moved on through the wool of the fog , traffic sounds muted , an anguished cry from the Thames as a ship sounded its foghorn on the way down to the sea .
17 Follow the track for a short way until a path leads on through the bogs beside the Allt a ‘ Mhuilinn .
18 So as they continued on through the trees to the fort at Ballingolin , with the blackbirds chittering and the smoke from turf fires coming from the farmhouse inside the castle walls , Gerald Hussey broke the news to his daughter that she would be leaving Ireland .
19 When there were no sounds of activity she heaved a great sigh of relief and carried on through the living-room towards the front door .
20 I stayed there for some time and looked at the castle , and then I walked on through the forest for about an hour .
21 They jogged on through the crowd of frightened people leaving the area , while the wizard took great mouthfuls of cool dawn air .
22 I bade Jamie and his mother goodnight and walked on through the outskirts of town to the track heading for the island , then down the track in blackness , sometimes using my small torch , towards the bridge and the house .
23 An advertising campaign that went on about the law of averages did n't seem to help when much of the press criticism rounded on the Escort as exactly a car for Mr Average .
24 I could however moan on about the likelihood of anyone ever wanting to listen to this collection straight through at one sitting , or that Miss Battle could have done rather more in the way of characterising each aria ( and her diction is also hardly crystal clear ) .
25 That 's right yeah , for a little bit , I was on about the reference to er Embassy Service though
26 Always going on about the Fate of the Graduate Wife and how she 's fed up being a cabbage — well as far as I 'm concerned I can not see the call for langwidge .
27 Now erm how have we got er I 've next thing on the handout is something I 've stuck on about the way in which erm er well it 's what I 've just covered about the the way in which some sorts of therapies for people who 've been abused as children tend to embody rather heterosexist assumptions which has been stated by Jenny Kissinger for example .
28 she says , I 'm on about the lady with the dark hair
29 I mean we 've only got to have a look at the recent events in London went on about the insurances over the bombings over the weekend have n't we ?
30 They just put the bit on about the hall after .
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