Example sentences of "on [prep] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 It 's actually on for two hours in the evening .
2 Family Day at OBEX was the highlight of the year , and preparations went on for several weeks in advance .
3 They walked on for several paces in silence .
4 They went on for some way in silence .
5 This , however , is not the thinking — and it may be presumptuous — that moved BBC2 to hit us between the frontal lobes with Jonathan Miller 's states of mind ( 20 February ) , a series that will march on for 15 weeks in the cause of bringing us up to date with what is happening in psychology .
6 If the Conservatives are the largest single party , should he hang on as Prime Minister in the hope that he can do a deal with another party ?
7 If you knew some of the goings on of that lot in high places . ’
8 Modern critics were not good at Anglo-Saxon echoes , especially at ones which hung on into modern times in phrases like ‘ mock ’ and ‘ make ’ , ‘ chance ’ and ‘ choice ’ , ‘ bullet ’ and ‘ billet ’ , all mentioned already in this study .
9 If people are kept awake for long periods of time , their drowsiness lessens in the morning and comes on with increased severity in the evening .
10 Talking of bitches , how are you getting on with old Sinbad in Cas. ? ’
11 Suddenly she was in shadow and only the upper sky was lit with fingers of smoky orange and then an acid burnt lemon from the disappeared orb , but she walked on round unfamiliar roads in what was rapidly becoming dusk .
12 Complaints may come on from electric changes in the atmosphere .
13 Had their father — the thought aroused crazy laughter — passed it on from some episode in his youth ?
14 In the face of this central problem , the valuable work that has gone on in recent years in narratology , and other aspects of fictional form , is curiously difficult to apply in practice .
15 MORE teenagers are staying on in further education in County Durham .
16 Work out how many stitches are required ; cast on over that number in the rib required and knit a single rib .
17 It did n't seem much on its own but , when it was added to other suggested improvements , it could mean that each operator could put four parts on to each car in the same time . ’
18 The art of vituperation comes naturally to Busi , and , although the picture of Northern Italian provincial life ( in the vicinity of Brescia ) which the author paints occupies only a small part of the novel , which takes his picaresque hero on to greater things in Milan , Paris and London , it is a memorable picture , and provides the necessary underpinning to a writing that spares no effort to make the reader understand the nature of the social and sexual domination .
19 These trays take four or six PP3s ( depending on the model of detector ) which push on to snap terminals in the bottom of the tray .
20 The boy rolled over and came on to one knee in a single lunge , and hurling himself at the man , caught him round the thighs with both arms , and swept him with him through the opening .
21 Had n't she just come on to two guys in two days ?
22 I 've known teachers go on to other posts in the private sector without any trouble after far worse things than you will ever be accused of .
23 This enhancement leads on to new stages in cognitive complexity :
24 I am happy here for the time being but want the chance to move on to bigger things in the future . ’
25 Place drops of the clear supernatant on to dental wax in a Petri dish as before .
26 The visiting of the iniquity of their fathers on to succeeding generations in the Third Commandment , the banning of ‘ he that hath a flat nose ’ , and the writing ‘ the fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children 's teeth are set on edge ’ are suggestive of the stigmata of congenital syphilis .
27 This arrangement is particularly suited to a society where wealth is concentrated in the ownership of land , because it ensures that an undivided estate can be passed on to succeeding generations in the family .
28 The fabulous museum tells the story of moving images beginning in 2000 BC with shadow puppets through the silent era and the golden age of Hollywood , and on to recent developments in television .
29 Parties , it is argued , are ‘ forced to latch on to various capacities in order to generate support ’ .
30 But last Saturday Major climbed on to that soapbox in Luton .
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