Example sentences of "on [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 William Rose , the American writer of The Ladykillers , went on to write scripts outside Ealing that again deal with England 's infatuation with old things , and resistance to change , but distil these through cosy middle-class couples .
2 Argentina and Brazil would go on to eliminate tariffs to Mercosur countries by the end of 1994 , while Paraguay and Uruguay were allowed an extra year to harmonize .
3 Donnison and Soto go on to divide towns in Britain into three basic categories :
4 An industrial tribunal later ruled Mr Siddle , 54 , had been unfairly dismissed and he went on to run pubs in Sunderland and Sedgefield .
5 That one of Beonna 's moneyers , Wilred , went on to mint coins for Offa , however , may imply a somewhat earlier date for some at least of Offa 's East Anglian coins , and Offa 's position in East Anglia was already secure enough for the East Anglian bishoprics of Dommoc and Elmham to be included in 787 in the new archdiocese of Lichfield ( see below , p. 174 ) .
6 I shall start by considering the effects of the standard ideology on analyses of Middle English and go on to review aspects of variation in Middle English .
7 CHRISSE HYND : ( without the ‘ E ’ in those days ) was an early '70s feature writer ( speciality : Suzi Quatro ! ) who went on to have tons of hits with The Pretenders .
8 The authors go on to offer examples of students whose transition from college has been one of experiencing limited choice and often unsuitable placements .
9 Thirty-six of the forty women said ‘ yes ’ to the question ‘ Do you find you can think about other things while you 're working ? ’ , and most of the women then went on to offer examples of topics they thought about .
10 The naming did not cause any lasting embarrassment to either side , and the same friendly rivalry and relationship between the two schools continues , it not being unknown for pupils at the one to go on to become members of staff at the other .
11 The other , John Beaumont , may also have been to some extent Gloucester 's man since he and his putative father Sir Henry Bodrugan went on to become supporters of Richard III in the region .
12 The other , John Beaumont , may also have been to some extent Gloucester 's man since he and his putative father Sir Henry Bodrugan went on to become supporters of Richard III in the region .
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