Example sentences of "on [prep] [art] [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 Y you 'll see amongst the plans that you 've , you 've got before you , plan number seven actually , should n't really be with these papers because it 's not a proposal for approval , but it does show the extent of the work that 's been done and the key element there is that there are these speed cushions I mentioned earlier on as a possible way forward there , which has been in consultation .
2 Mary would work like a slave , but a woman could not take the animals to market , though he knew of widows living alone , soldiers ' wives mostly , who farmed on in a rough way by themselves , their cattle straying and mixing with the herds of others , their oats still standing in November …
3 ( 3 ) In other words , although farm modernisation policies have actively encouraged non-viable or older farmers to retire from farming , many in the poorer areas have not done so , living on in a traditional way for extremely low returns .
4 ‘ I saw Liza Carrow , ’ Eleanor went on in a matter-of-fact way .
5 Cords , white or beige , were worn early on in small numbers but in mid'71 black/bottle green/navy straight leg Levi cords caught on in a big way .
6 Back then , they did n't catch on in a big way . ’
7 The thing has gone on in a different way from previous years , and the outcome , as you 've observed , although the Liberal Democrats initially proposed spending at capping , they have gone down by half a million pounds .
8 It appears that German states are opposing a VAT-like tax on in an inconsistent way , aggravated , aggravated by a failure to warn of any increase in the tax in January nineteen ninety three .
9 ( a ) The Agency Principle Section 5 of the Partnership Act ( power of partner to bind the firm ) states that : Every partner is an agent of the firm and his other partners for the purpose of the business of the partnership ; and the acts of every partner who does any act for carrying on in the usual way of business of the kind carried on by the firm of which he is a member bind the firm and his partners , unless the partner so acting has in fact no authority to act for the firm in the particular matter , and the person with whom he is dealing either knows that he has no authority , or does not know or believe him to be a partner .
10 So I started to write a variation on the first bar and told her to go on in the same way and to keep to the idea .
11 This way of thinking is not reasonable , yet we carry on in the same way , generation after generation , never learning by our past mistakes .
12 All that memory can provide contributes already to our feeling that in calling this sensation ‘ pain ’ we are going on in the same way , following the rule .
13 Fast on its heels came MacPublisher and Ready-Set-Go but somehow neither caught on in the same way .
14 Ordinarily , learning allows us to go on in the same way , to repeat what has been learned , whether it is a matter of fact ( that London is the capital of England ) or an action ( driving a car in familiar circumstances ) .
15 erm So now we started up the long term survey , and we 've now got 10 schools taking part , and they 're starting next week , and they 'll be carrying on in the same way as they were the pilot survey , taking the same measurements .
16 On behalf of all her fans , I would like to wish her the best of luck in 1992 and hope that she will carry on in the dedicated way she has in the past year or so .
17 The man who entered a monastery did so , in principle , for life ; there were of course apostates ; there were also a number who moved on to a stricter way of life ; and a few who were promoted to abbeys elsewhere , or to bishoprics , or even to the papacy .
18 The child followed Aggie through the middle arch and towards a heavy , paintless oak door , then into a room dimly lit by a window that looked on to the covered way .
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