Example sentences of "'ve got it [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do you , do you want me Health Action Banner for that ? cos I 've got it at home .
2 And I 've got it at home .
3 I 've got it I 've got it at home I can bring it in at the next meeting or whatever .
4 And you 've got it at home really .
5 You 've got it at home !
6 Erm and it shows it 's the twenty I think it 's the twenty second or twenty third I 've got it at home , er of October nineteen fourteen , this .
7 I 've got it on video .
8 I 've got it on top of bank though .
9 Now I 'm standing here in this thing and I do n't even know if I 've got it on back to front or not . ’
10 By the way , there was one thing that we did n't mention when we were talking about C P O's that is very pertinent is that already , I 've got it on authority , that one of the C P O's that we 've employed as a civilian has been offered a job with an alarm company at fifteen thousand a year
11 I 've got it on display at home .
12 You 've got it on volume .
13 I 've got it on tape .
14 it does n't matter , I 've got it on tape cats are
15 Good you 've got it on tape .
16 I 've got it on tape I can prove it .
17 I 've got it on tape .
18 Good , I 'm glad you 've got it under control
19 On this sheet , cos then you 've got it for revision .
20 And we know they 've learnt something , they 've understood it and they 've got it for life .
21 And now , I mean I 'm wanting to do , I I 've got it to stage where it 's comfortable .
22 I 'll give you the receipt actually so you 've got it in case .
23 But I 've got it in hand . ’
24 So , really I do n't know what 's the best way to start , just ask you give a brief resume of where you 're at , if you 've done if you 've got it in hand , if you have n't got it hand erm and then perhaps when we 've done that we might er look at possible resources and stuff get off now .
25 I 've got it in Disco Club Mirror , it 's the front page out the
26 And they do it , and they 've got it in stock , you know so
27 we 've got it in book
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