Example sentences of "'ve [vb pp] [indef pn] in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've seen plenty in the last few months . ’
2 I do n't know whether you 've seen anything in the paper about a mountain called the Matterhorn … ? ’
3 — " We know that the first bicycles looked like that because they 've got one in the museum . "
4 I 've got one in the bedroom , and er , in the morning I turn one of in the bedroom and try and remember to turn the one off in the turn the light out downstairs .
5 But I 've got one in the do-it-yourself shop here you see , and I thought I might as well put one in Val 's two shops .
6 Shame of the Killer oh no I do n't think we 'll do that er look through the Sun see if there 's anything interesting erm in there I 've got nothing in the Ewbank .
7 Do n't talk rubbish we 've got nothing in the .
8 my Lord then all , what , then , was not restricting competition because the people you have excluded are not people who would be in the market in any event , you are already saying we 've got the level of the , the , the hurdle , the wall or the barrier to such a low level that anybody who 's outside it , it is simply not a competitor , we 've got everybody in the market who could conceivably deserve to be there , but there 's no restriction , no you maybe excluding criminals or fraudsters for a , until they 've been re rehabilitated , er and you 're excluding people who simply do not deserve to be there as competitors at all , but no capability of right to compete and that 's why there is no restriction , everybody is in the charm circle who wants to be there and is capable of competing and that 's what the commission are trying to get the rules down to , making sure that no one is outside of the wall who should be inside of the wall and that 's why of course at the end of the day they can give their clearances , there 's no restriction .
9 And this , this comment about that they think you 've got something in the house worth pinching does n't really come into it .
10 He says they 've already been allowed a judicial review over the ban on deer hunting by Somerset Council and we 've requested one in the case of Hampshire .
11 He said , ‘ What I 've done , I 've left everything in the top drawer so that it 's all easier for my wife when I die .
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