Example sentences of "'re [v-ing] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , let me know when you 're off , ’ Bernard told her , ‘ because we 're going to open in the States very shortly .
2 Right planners , now according to me this is for Thursday , next Thursday week t week one Thursday so homework for Thursday finish writing a list er whoever 's giggling will you calm down of things you believe are important do this in rough and I think we 'd better underline the next bit , bring it to the lesson now , quite seriously if you have only managed to get five or six items at the moment on your list that you think are important , that 's not enough , you really do need to be going for a minimum of ten , and if you ca n't then the next piece of work that we 're going to do in the lesson next week is going to be quite difficult .
3 In your text book you 've got quite a lot of information in there about reinforcing , what we 're going to do in the practical session and it 's always a help I think when you have a lot of the , thrown at you to know that you can just put it up and there it is if you get a bit confusing or ca n't remember what 's what , so on page one six nine it starts telling you all about nursing and bandages and general hygiene which we 've already talked quite a lot about but it 's very useful for you to know , you can go there and look , and if you just go through the pages from there on one seventy , one seven one , one seven two , one seven three and then on one seven four it 's got the general rules for applying bandages apply bandages when the casualty is sitting or lying down , you always sit your casualty down and you work from the front of , I say why do you work from the front of the thing ?
4 I do n't think this is the time to discuss what we 're going to do in the future , we 've actually got on the table at the moment a proposal to purchase that land .
5 ‘ And that 's what you 're going to put in the report that Protheroe has n't had . ’
6 ‘ We 're going to live in the country , in a dear little white house near a railway line .
7 Teaching about computers is important , both technically and from the role they 're going to have in the children 's lives , but as I have said before the main interest , from an educational point of view , is using it as one would use a video tape or an overhead projector or a blackboard and a piece of chalk .
8 But but what you 're trying to create in the guy is a bit of a warm feeling
9 I mean , what we 're trying to do in the visual arts is to spend what limited money we have to produce a better situation for the visual artist and for the public who gets pleasure and enlightenment from visual arts than exists at the moment , so rather than just prop up the status quo , which is what is would be very easy to do if one just kept the pot boiling so to speak by giving a few grants to artists here and sitting at the centre of a spider 's web in Tunbridge Wells waiting for applications to come in to us and then responding .
10 What we 're planning to do in the very early stages , is to have the site staffed on a Saturday , and have people there , so we can actually turn away rubbish .
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